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Question about caregivers


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8 hours ago, Pasta said:

I think I had begun to overlap the idea of a dominant type and a caregiving trait. I think this was likely influenced a bit by what Iā€™m looking for (tentatively: a dominant who is also very much a caregiver, who I can then give back to in a submissive way? Still exploring these ideas though)

Finding a Dominant with a caregiver personality that you can give back to in a submissive way is complety and totally doable and a pretty common style of dynamic I'd say from general observations. Many would consider this a DD/lg dynamic which is somewhat like a sugar relationship without the sugar but it can also just be a D/s relationship. You and your partner can choose whatever titles you want that feel most comfortable *to you*.

One of my good friends is in pretty much the type of dynamic you're describing. If outsiders were asked to label it some would say DD/lg others would call him a "Soft Dom" or "Pleasure Dom" but I wouldn't (because I don't love labels remember šŸ˜‰) how I describe him is simply a Dominant she has referred to him as *a* Daddy but his title is Sir and she's definitely not a "little" she's simply a/his submissive. Their dynamic is really amazing and I'm so happy they found each other after their past partners šŸ˜¬

I would describe myself as a caregiver domme, but I'm not into "Littles", but I enjoy a brat from time to time. So yeah, there's definitely a distinction.
I consider myself a caregiver by nature since I really like to care for my women if they care for me. I like to buy them gifts that make them smile. I like to bathe my women from beginning to end. This includes shaving, washing them, massages, and romantic dinners. I will manicures and pedicures and ***t their nails. I find it fun to have that one in one time. Being new in this lifestyle, I see myself working on DD side of me. I can't say that I'd be in search of a little as much someone who can appreciate the attention I can provide and return it in kind.
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