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Communication is key?

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In real life we interact with each other so differently from written communication. The intonation in the voice, facial expression and body language, explain so much of a person's message. We can confirm the message is understood in so many ways, a look, a simple nod a gentle touch. These things can affirm the meaning of a message is understood. Listening is the part of communication that is so difficult to learn, in written communication it is even more difficult, we can interpret or misinterpret the meaning of a single word in so many ways. Only after extended conversation can we put a message into the context in which it was meant. I read your original message and failed to grasp its meaning, following the conversation and interaction on the thread clarified that meaning. Thank you for posting the topic.
5 hours ago, Submarkg said:

I disagree …Many relationships fail ..many projects ..things in life due to failure of communication sonclearly people are not capable of seeing it or are incapable of communicating .. 

You misunderstand me. Acknowledging the basic concept that "communication is key" is not the same as putting that into practice.


Communication Is absolutely a fundamental and essential component in a dynamic.

I'm not just talking about communicating about kinks and fetishes and BDSM related things. I'm talking about discussing everything, from childhood to likes and dislikes to favourite food and movies and hobbies, etc.

A BDSM dynamic can't live on BDSM talk alone.

In order to gain trust you must be willing to make yourself ***. You must be willing to open up and reveal private information. This will in turn encourage the person you're talking with to be equally as honest and open.

With communication comes trust. Without both, a relationship, be it vanilla or kink is ultimately  unsustainable.

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