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It's probably a really silly question.

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Gut feelings are never wrong.
I've never not listened to my gut. But, has anyone decided to go against their gut and it was found to be the right decision?
Nope. Always the wrong one for me.
Yeah, last night i had todo this! 😔 sometimes it hurts but its got to be done! Self respect and all that... Im not going to explain my situation on youre comments, but it had to be done. Never feel bad for making thinking of yourself first.
I’ve found there is a fine line between different types of gut feelings… excitement butterflies and trauma response butterflies for example.. if I’m ever unsure I ask for more time and how a person responds to that request usually brings clarity pretty quickly
And not a silly question at all btw! Everything about kink is about feelings 🙂
yes i did a few times and 9/10 my gut was fucking right
Guts always right imho
I went against my gut on here and it’s cost me about 2000, I thought this site was about people with the same kinks getting together, not woman robbing men😩
5 minutes ago, cheesygreen said:
I went against my gut on here and it’s cost me about 2000, I thought this site was about people with the same kinks getting together, not woman robbing men😩

What the fuck happened? Feel free to DM me lmao 🤣

1 hour ago, cheesygreen said:
I went against my gut on here and it’s cost me about 2000, I thought this site was about people with the same kinks getting together, not woman robbing men😩

That’s horrible!! So sorry that happen man!

I think your gut is a guide and your head is the judge.
If your gut is telling you something it's great that you can flag it. Like really good that you're in tune enough to spot it. Most don't and most go along or override anyway. Your question asks if anyone has gone against their gut and the answer is yes - everyone, all the time, every day! But that probably doesn't answer your nagging feeling does it.

The feeling you're processing probably means there's something niggling at you or that you're just not sure about. As a rule it's generally good at guiding you right but it isn't always right too and deciding can be a hard one. Some people flip a coin, some ask internet folk and some go see their local crystal ball gazer. All put the onus on chance and fate and that can also be dangerous.

That primal processing feeling (and yes - Guts do have intelligence and actual neurons connected to your brain!) Is doing something you can't do consciously. It's warning you! But that feeling is made of all of your life experiences that allow it to see patterns and make judgement calls based on real world events you've experienced time and time again. It can be swayed by negative experience and can overreact to sometimes even good events that just make it all feel a bit nervous about things going quite so good.

Probe, pick and tease when you get that feeling. Lean into it. Ask questions and push through it until your logical conscious brain can have the answers it needs to reassure your gut feeling. Treat it like a red flag that needs exploring and don't let it rest.

You could also try writing down how your feeling. Perhaps putting pros and cons one a page to see them side by side. You could also allow things to move towards an override but put safety lines in place. Set boundaries to safeguard yourself, invite a friend, test through worst case stress tests and like the hornets nest now in order to see how accurate your gut is.

Of course- it's hard to say more without knowing more; so do comment with some details if you want some more company to help process it all.

In either case - look after yourself and be safe.
Those feelings/doubts are there for your protection. Don't ignore them, life is about your long term happiness.

Trust your gutt always doesn't necessary have to be right, but is telling you something not quite right.
Thank you all so much. I didn't expect so many responses that match my gut feeling 🥰🥰🥰
4 hours ago, DaddyMcCheeko said:
I think your gut is a guide and your head is the judge.
If your gut is telling you something it's great that you can flag it. Like really good that you're in tune enough to spot it. Most don't and most go along or override anyway. Your question asks if anyone has gone against their gut and the answer is yes - everyone, all the time, every day! But that probably doesn't answer your nagging feeling does it.

The feeling you're processing probably means there's something niggling at you or that you're just not sure about. As a rule it's generally good at guiding you right but it isn't always right too and deciding can be a hard one. Some people flip a coin, some ask internet folk and some go see their local crystal ball gazer. All put the onus on chance and fate and that can also be dangerous.

That primal processing feeling (and yes - Guts do have intelligence and actual neurons connected to your brain!) Is doing something you can't do consciously. It's warning you! But that feeling is made of all of your life experiences that allow it to see patterns and make judgement calls based on real world events you've experienced time and time again. It can be swayed by negative experience and can overreact to sometimes even good events that just make it all feel a bit nervous about things going quite so good.

Probe, pick and tease when you get that feeling. Lean into it. Ask questions and push through it until your logical conscious brain can have the answers it needs to reassure your gut feeling. Treat it like a red flag that needs exploring and don't let it rest.

You could also try writing down how your feeling. Perhaps putting pros and cons one a page to see them side by side. You could also allow things to move towards an override but put safety lines in place. Set boundaries to safeguard yourself, invite a friend, test through worst case stress tests and like the hornets nest now in order to see how accurate your gut is.

Of course- it's hard to say more without knowing more; so do comment with some details if you want some more company to help process it all.

In either case - look after yourself and be safe.

'Poke the hornets nest!' Lol gotta proof these comments first. 😅


The gut is a good guide but don't ignore your other instincts 

I went against my gut and met a man (from tinder, not fet, but we had discussed bdsm). We went back to his place and he didn’t ask me any questions or ask how I felt about anything- just pushed me to the ground and started beating on me. It was so awful!

I always listen to my gut but for some reason let my guard down that time. I wont be doing that again. Definitely listen to your instincts.
10 minutes ago, macasmr said:
I went against my gut and met a man (from tinder, not fet, but we had discussed bdsm). We went back to his place and he didn’t ask me any questions or ask how I felt about anything- just pushed me to the ground and started beating on me. It was so awful!

I always listen to my gut but for some reason let my guard down that time. I wont be doing that again. Definitely listen to your instincts.

I'm so sorry that happened to you. That is just awful 🥺🥺🥺

Just now, Lilone-6962 said:

I'm so sorry that happened to you. That is just awful 🥺🥺🥺

Thank you! It was upsetting because I knew better- although it wasn’t my fault. Listening to your instincts is so important. It’s what has kept us alive this long lol.

24 minutes ago, macasmr said:

Thank you! It was upsetting because I knew better- although it wasn’t my fault. Listening to your instincts is so important. It’s what has kept us alive this long lol.

Absolutely! I will no longer question my gut feelings after this xxx

gut feeling can be wrong, although I would recommend not taking such risk as this

if I were to find a woman to test the lion inside me, then I would definitely start with normal sex and casually build up

but hey, i haven't tried, so who am in to give advice😆
25 minutes ago, Aylo_01 said:
gut feeling can be wrong, although I would recommend not taking such risk as this

if I were to find a woman to test the lion inside me, then I would definitely start with normal sex and casually build up

but hey, i haven't tried, so who am in to give advice😆

Thank you so much for your advice. Definitely worth keeping in mind x

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