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Protecting the law from slavery.

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The laws of many countries are such that if you marry a foreigner and bring him to your home country.  In fact, for several years he is legally dependent on you.  

You can practically use this rule for slavery. Sometimes this support lasts up to fif*** years. You can even increase this legal pressure. Especially if he is from a weak country because his country does not support him.

Does anyone have a comment on this?


I feel this is why it's important to learn many differences and between what is cool within slavery/submission as a fantasy and what actually amounts to being modern day slavery. 

49 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

I feel this is why it's important to learn many differences and between what is cool within slavery/submission as a fantasy and what actually amounts to being modern day slavery. 

I agree with you. It’s one thing to use and be used in an agreed way  during fantasy and fairytales but slavery in any real term is not and must not ever be acceptable again. You read about almost daily with the likes of trafficking and such and we really need to tighten the laws of all the lands to protect the less fortunate. This and human rights puts fire in my belly 😡


If it is accompanied by the desire and interest of the slave it is very attractive. I really like being in such a situation.


I think it's important to think carefully if what you're amounting to is fetishising human trafficking. 


Human trafficking has a different meaning. Pay attention to legal concepts. 

This is a completely legal concept. Governments use it to ensure the integrity of individuals.

This way only those who really want to get married use this pass because they have been legally dependent on their spouse for a long time.


Submitting to, and agreeing to be, someone's slave is a totally different thing to slavery and oppression.

Going slightly off topic (I do that a lot!) When I move to the US the only way I can stay there is by marrying my LDR. After finally getting out of an abusive, controlling relationship, that idea scared me silly, still does to an extent. That said, I know with every atom of my being that I want to be with him so marriage it is. If I didn't need to marry him for legal reasons, I'd still want to, that's how I know. 

Not everyone marries for a green card. Some of us do it for love.


Marriage for all that is not love is a foolish thing.My English is a little weak. I certainly haven't been able to say exactly what I mean.


I always swore I would only ever marry once. I'm glad I'm no longer with my ex, we should never have married.

With my LDR, it's different. Yes, I'm marrying him because I have to, to be with him but also because there is no other person I would rather spend the rest of my life with.

Posted (edited)

Even if I don't have to, in a legal document, I delegate all my rights and powers to my owner.  Because I want to be free.

Edited by Deleted Member

A big part of it is a lot of terminology used in a BDSM lifestyle, a lot of it has negative connotations to those not in it, Dom/Domme, sub, Master/Mistress, slave, without going into activites, are a few, plus 50 shades did some harm, those confusing fantasy and light play with something that is a consensual lifestyle

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