She arrived at the hotel slightly flustered. At work, she was always calm and confident; but now a host of butterflies were dancing in her tummy. She found her way to the room and knocked on the door.

A voice replied from within “Come in”. She paused for a moment and turned the handle. Inside was a cosy room with a large brass-framed bed. She could not see the owner of the voice.

“Close your eyes” the instruction came from behind the door, softly spoken but authoritative. She obeyed and immediately she sensed him step from behind the door, closing it, turning the key and standing behind her.

He had in his hands a long silk scarf which he tied neatly across her eyes, forming a blindfold. Now she could see nothing. “I’d like you to follow me” he intoned. She did not reply as he led her by the hand to the bed. She sat down.

This was their first meet. By text and email, their discussion had elaborated on their needs and desires. Everything else was new. They had established and agreed their boundaries. She knew him just enough to trust him. But it was meeting for the first time. And she had still not seen him. Blindfolded, she sensed his presence to be calm but authoritative. In control.

“You are an exceptionally gorgeous woman”. He meant it. She was stunningly beautiful, with her tumbling locks of hair and pale complexion. Now he was unbuttoning her blouse. In truth, though she could not see this, he was entranced by her femininity, her curves, her soft skin, her fragrance, her presence. "I am going to undress you, tie you up and make love to you. Is that what you want?" he asked. "Yes" she replied, without hesitating.

He was deliberate and slow in taking off her clothes. She made no attempt to resist. Beneath she was wearing black lingerie, contrasting so well with her fair skin. She felt his warm breath on her cheek. He was kissing her lips. Now her mouth. She kissed back.

She felt his hands run up inside her panties.

“You do look delightful in these” he said “but I think you would be even more delightful without them”. She felt him remove her bra and panties. Now she was naked.

She felt him turn her over so now she was lying on her back in the centre of the bed. “I’d like you to lie down just here”. She did so. He took her arms and raised them above her head. She felt him winding thick, soft rope around her left wrist and securing it. “It will not bruise” he assured her. Then she felt her wrist placed against the unyielding bedstead, he made three turns around both with the rope and tied a knot. It was comfortable but very firm. He repeated the procedure with her right wrist.

There was a brief pause. Was he admiring his handiwork? She could see nothing. She felt him take her left foot in his hand and extend her leg fully towards the bottom bedstead. “This is where your height really does matter” he said mischievously, as he gently tugged her foot a little more. Now she was at full stretch and her ankle just reached the bed frame. Quickly, before she could retract her leg, he tied a loop of rope around her ankle and secured it around the bedstead, same style as her wrist. He repeated the procedure with her right ankle. It was neat and effective. She was spreadeagled, stretched out as far as she could comfortably be extended. And she could barely move. Her heart was pounding.

“You are my prisoner." His voice was still soft but his tone was uncompromising. “Yes” she murmured. Then she felt his breath on her cheek. His lips touched hers. He was longing to explore her shapely, full lips and what is within. She tasted sweet.

He kissed her again, this time more deeply. She kissed back. She could not say how long the kiss lasted but she was totally turned on by its urgency and her ness. It was perhaps the most sensuous moment she had ever experienced. She sensed him stand up and although she could still see nothing, she felt his eyes scanning her completely body.

"What are you going to do?" she asked. "I want you to take me".

"Oh", he replied "I don't think you quite appreciate your situation. Plus we can’t have you moaning too loudly; this is a classy hotel. Would you like to be gagged?”

What if I refuse, she thought, but she already had a good idea of the answer. And she wanted it. She momentarily contemplated making a cheeky riposte but in view of her situation, thought better of it. Instead she murmured “yes please”.

She was not sure what he was going to use to silence her but did not have to wait long to find out. She felt him place a large, neatly folded silk handkerchief in her mouth, well between her teeth, and then pull it into place with a silk scarf tied passed behind her head, under her hair, and secured between her teeth. She felt him pull it tight. “Bite down please” he ordered. She did so, holding the partly formed knot in place while he tied it again. The result was quite tight, so the silk handkerchief, although soft to bite on, was firm and unyielding. She could not on it and she could not spit it out. He had not finished though.

“Try these” he said, with a playful tone in his voice. She felt something small and silky pushed into place between her lips, on top of the knotted silk scarf between her teeth. She immediately realised it was her knickers. “I want you to taste what I am going to taste” he explained. There is something erotically humiliating about being gagged with your own knickers. Especially when, despite her best efforts to remain cool and calm on her way to the meet, she had become rather … wet. But with her cleave gag already in place, it was certainly too late to protest now. Then she felt him pass another, wider, silk scarf over the outside of her mouth and tie that, equally tightly, behind her head. This, she realised, would hold her knickers in place, soak up any drool and ensure no sound could escape, even if she screamed. What she could not see, as she was still blindfolded, is that he had chosen a scarf to complete the gag, matching the colour of her eyes. He always liked to be creative.

This was really very kinky. She bit hard into the gag and tried to call out his name but all she could say was "Mmmmmmmmm." She was able to make so little sound it was remarkable. Less than she would have made humming to herself. Experimentally, she tried to yell “Help!” Same result: “Mmmmmmmm”. OMG! This was what it feels like to be totally
. A Damsel in Distress.

"Is the gag OK?" he asked. She nodded, biting furiously. "It is a work of art" he murmured. The gag was effectively done and unyielding. She marvelled that such a simple device as a silk handkerchief, a pair of knickers and two silk scarves could be so effective and so ….. HOT.

“Let me just test it” he said mischievously. She sensed his breath on her right breast, then a sharp sensation as he gently bit her nipple. She cried out, in surprise rather than in , but made not a sound. She was silenced.

“I want to see your eyes” he said and removed her blindfold. She blinked momentarily in the light. Now she could see him for the very first time. He was naked, well-built, rather taller than her and stronger. Hairy arms, chest, legs. That was wild! And he was well endowed. Almost scarily well endowed. Their eyes met and it felt as if they were gazing into each other’s souls. She struggled
ly but there was no way to protest now.

She was bound to a large brass bed, lying on a soft quilt. Her head was resting on sumptuous pillows. The room was elegantly furnished. Daylight streamed through the window, which was not overlooked from outside. Two scented candles were burning on the bedside table, filling the room with the aroma of vanilla. A variety of toys and implements, some unfamiliar, were spread out on the dresser. She wriggled a little to test her bonds. By stretching herself out as far as she could, from fingers to toes, the ropes lay loosely around her wrists and ankles; there was no feeling of restraint. But if she tried to move from that position, the soft rope offered firm resistance to her wrists and ankles. She knew that she could struggle as hard as she liked and not get free. The gag likewise was comfortable in her mouth, as long as she did not try to resist it. Indeed, it felt somehow comforting to know she could not protest, even if she wanted to. But when she tried to push out the gag, the silk tightened and she could not dislodge it.

She knew she had been restrained elegantly, effectively and expertly. In comfort if she lay still; complete restraint if she resisted. She had wanted escapism; now there was no possibility of physical escape. But her mind was truly free. She would experience to its fullest possible extent whatever fantasy her new lover had planned.

Oh, she was so wet! It was embarrassing how much she wanted to be taken.

But he had other plans. While she was observing all this and testing her restraints, he had never taken his eyes off her. Turning her attention from her predicament to her captor, she sensed him visually devouring her. His eyes were admiring every inch of her body. He loved her sensuous curves. Her freshness and beauty. Her perfect cheekbones. He adored the way her flowing hair fell across the pillows. He was entranced by her wonderfully expressive eyes, their colour perfectly echoed by the pretty silk scarf covering her mouth.

Now he was kissing her. Starting with her cheeks, then her neck. Onward to her breasts. He gently bit each of her nipples in turn. She tried to cry out but was muffled by the gag. He moved on to her tummy. Savouring every part of her skin. Fully exploring her body with his tongue. Every curve explored.

He reached her crotch and she willed him to continue right there. But frustratingly, he continued onward, down her right leg to her toes. He took each toe in turn in his mouth and sucked hard. The sensation shot right through her body. She writhed in her bonds. How long could this go on?

She needed to come.

Now he swapped over to her left leg again and continued kissing. Up her calf, then her thigh. Would he continue? The frustration was unbearable. He reached her pussy. This was too much. He kissed her labia, generously adding his saliva to her moist lips. It was unbelievably good. He continued, teasing her clitoris with his tongue. She had never been pushed so far. She tried to scream but made no sound. He stopped.

Now he was poised over her on all fours, watching her struggling. He had taken her 99% of the way to climax but denied her. And he knew it. “Did you come?” he asked, rhetorically. She shook her head and glared at him. If her hands had been free, she would have finished herself off in seconds. If she had not been gagged, she would have begged him to do it for her. But as it was, she could only struggle wildly and beg with her eyes; frustrated and humiliated. And all he did was watch, loving every moment of her .

Unrequited, the intensity of her frustrated passion began to subside. She could see his erection was huge. She knew he wanted her more than anything in the world but she did not know how much patience he had. Would he make love to her now?

She watched him pick up a small leather-pleated whip and run the pleats through his fingers, while staring intensely at her breasts. She realised there was a long way to go yet. "OK?" he said. She wasn't sure if it was a statement or a question but she nodded. Instantly he brought the whip down across her breasts. It was a deliciously sharp sensation. She gasped and tried to cry out, again in surprise rather than
, but the only sound she could make was a barely audible moan. In that instant she realised why he had no choice but to gag her so effectively. A lady can't go screaming in a posh hotel.

The second stoke of the whip was even sweeter than the first. He caught her right nipple perfectly, sending pleasure shooting right through her body. She decided to give up struggling and lay perfectly still as he administered the third, fourth and fifth stokes. They just felt so good. He paused and gazed into her eyes, looking momentarily serious. "Are you enjoying that?" he asked. She nodded, realising as she did so that in her current state of intense arousal, she would enjoy a little more than she had previously thought. It was as if he read her mind. "Would you like it a little harder?" he asked. She nodded again. This time he wasn't holding back. The next five strokes stung, just slightly. Each time she gasped and moaned softly into her gag. It was an exquisite experience.

"I think you need to cool down after that" he said mischievously. She watched him take an ice cube from a small cold bag that had previously been out of her sight. He popped the ice cube in his mouth. Then he started kissing her breasts, even more intensely and urgently than before, allowing the cold ice to rub against her skin. It both soothed the whipping and stimulated her even further. He left the ice cube to melt in her cleavage and picked up another cube. First he teased her nipples with it before trailing it down the inside of her thighs and then pushing it deep inside her pussy. She was so hot down there that the ice melted in seconds. It was the wildest sensation she had ever had. She wanted to tell him how good it felt but was unable to do more than moan inaudibly with pleasure.

Whatever could be next?

He paused and waited for her to recover from this latest experience. For five minutes she lay perfectly still, getting her breath back; her breasts gently heaving as she breathed. “You are by far the most gorgeous and daring woman I have ever been with” he murmured. Then he took a vibrator from the bedside table. He ran it over her skin, right round her body, a delicious tingling sensation. Then touched her clitoris. He repeated the whole process several times, she lost count. But each time he touched her clitoris, she was pushed closer to orgasm. Realising that he might deny her again, she lay still without making a sound so he would not know how close she was. One more touch, she was confident, would take her there. She gave no sign. But somehow he knew. He stopped.

“No” she cried, but the gag translated her protest into “Mmmmmmm…” She had been denied twice. This was too much. He was broadly grinning as he watched her
, intensely satisfied that he had judged her response perfectly.

After she had calmed down from her latest , she could see his eyes were twinkling even more mischievously. In his right hand he was holding a leather paddle. “Like to try this?” he asked rhetorically but she did not even try to respond. Whack! She felt it come down across the inside of her left thigh. So good! Now her right thigh. Followed by the left again ... and her right. “Naughty girls deserve to be spanked” he admonished. “And you are very naughty.”

She gazed at him, trying to get her breath back and wondering what was coming next. He picked up one of the candles from the dresser, rich in molten wax and held it above her left breast. She watched as he slowly tipped the candle. She knew what would follow. She waited for the hot wax to fall onto her skin. Those few seconds waiting seemed an eternity. What would it feel like? Would it burn? The only certainty was that she could do nothing to avoid it. The wax tumbled from its holder, landed on her breast and once more sent the most delicious sensation shooting through her body. She gasped with pleasure and
but her gag turned her gasp into a barely audible erotic moan. The sensation was both sharp and delicious, just as he knew it would be. She realised she had been holding her breath. She released the tension and exhaled.

Then she watched him repeat the wax, this time on her right breast. It was equally as pleasurable, though the second time the extra frission of was missing. This time, as the wax landed, she writhed in her bonds, testing them even more than she had during the oral sex. Her bonds did not yield. She bit hard into her gag and realised it was making her drool. Wet panties now! Complete loss of control. And he was loving it.

"Do you want me to make love to you?" he asked, coarsely and rhetorically. She looked at his huge erection and nodded as hard as she could, abandoning even a pretence at dignity and beseeching him with her expressive eyes. "Would you like to wear these while I do that?" he asked, dangling a pair of nipple clamps attached by a small chain. Those, she thought, looked scary. She shook her head. "Oh shame" he replied, with a mischievous look in his eyes. "The sensation is really sharp and it doesn't hurt. But if you don't want to try it, we don't have to have sex either. Shall I untie you and we can go for dinner?"

Oh no! This felt like an impossible choice. Accept the nipple clamps and feel him inside her, which she desperately needed, or forgo both. Her mind could not make a decision but her body decided for her. He asked again "Clamps?" This time she nodded. "Good girl" he murmured.

She watched him make an adjustment to the clamps, but whether he was tightening or loosening them she could not tell. Then he positioned the first clamp around her right nipple. She gasped as he gently, lovingly, released his grip, so almost imperceptibly her nipple took the pressure. It was an even sharper, more delicious sensation than the wax. Once more her gag comprehensively muffled her protest. She closed her eyes as he applied the second clamp and waited, as if in a state of erotic suspended animation. “I know that hurts a little” he said softly “but a girl can be distracted”.

She realised that she was at the cusp of orgasm and had been there for some time. The wax and the clamps would have tipped her over the edge, were it not for the gag. It was holding her back. She felt like a bottle of champagne that had been vigorously shaken, fizzing wildly, but the cork still in. In fact, she would probably have had a dozen climaxes by now, had she not been so expertly restrained, silenced and handled. She could feel her foregone orgasms welling up inside her, jostling to get out. The wildest thought crossed her mind: what if they all came at once? What would it feel like? Could her body handle it? What would it do to her mind?

She wanted to be taken, fully possessed, penetrated by him. Her inability to influence his actions and her reactions was unbelievably frustrating but somehow also liberating. He was watching her intensely and she could see that his erection was huge. Unable to speak, she begged him with her eyes. He responded by putting on a condom.

Now he was on top of her, his erection pressing into her tummy.

She struggled even harder than before. Everything so far was a preamble. This was her wildest, darkest fantasy come true. She was about to be taken by a man she had never previously met. She was completely unable to influence the course of events. All she could do was bite hard on the gag and will him with her eyes. But what was she willing him to do? It made no difference, she had no choice.

She felt him start to penetrate her and it felt incredibly good. She felt his penis deep inside her and gasped, biting hard on her gag. Her
ness was a totally wild sensation. She tried yelling a profanity at the top of her voice, but made no sound. She could let go and yell as hard as she liked with complete abandon, certain that no-one could hear.

His face was close to hers, their eyes locked together. As he started thrusting, deep inside her, she realised that she was being taken to a place she had never been.

Exhausted by her struggles, she lay still, moaning gently, almost crying with the intensity of it all, awaiting her ultimate climax. An extraordinary feeling was welling deep inside her.

Surely the cork must pop.

She sensed he was near his climax and knew she would join him. How long they were there together, at the moment before climax, neither of them could say. It was the closest thing either of them had experienced to standing at the gates of heaven.

She felt him come, exploding inside her. It pushed her over the edge, to her greatest ever orgasm. She felt transported to a different plane of consciousness. A place of pure pleasure.

When she came round, she was free. He had untied her and removed the gag, though she had not even felt him do it. She was lying on her back and he was cradling her with one arm and looking into her lovely eyes.

What an amazing way to meet a lover. Could it ever get better than this?


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