I have finally realised I miss the absolute trust inherent in a D/s relationship. I wish I'd worked this out before now. I suppose I was the eternal optimist.

So, in the interests of honesty and to get all my history crap out of the way now:
I am separated and sorting out the legals that go with splitting 2 houses and other assets. It is all amicable and is toddling along but it takes time.
I didn't think it fair to evict the family of 5 who have rented my house for the last 6 years just because my life had hit a pothole. It may be my house but it is their home first.
Because of this, I am lodging and working from my parent's farm in the midlands for the next few months (assuming they don't drive me round the bend first).
I own my own business. My location and finance are not an issue. So, I am taking the time to look around and work out exactly where I want to live, how I want to live and who I want in my life.
My current sojourn has given me a ***d slow down. I am really not used to this but it's doing me good and giving me time to think.

I am looking for a sub/lover/friend/partner for life.
I have written the above so that anyone talking to me will know that any relationship will be nurtured gently over the next few months before serious, life-changing steps are taken. This gives both of us chance to think and digest what is happening. I will not rush this. I cannot rush this. It is too important.

To whoever takes this further, I promise:
I will not freeload.
I will not use you a retreat. Sometimes as a refuge, but never as a retreat.
I will always communicate what is happening. Everything I do will be open book as everything I do will be in support of us.
I will commit physically and emotionally when I find the right sub.
I will not fully commit until I am able to stand up and offer the security I must be able to give. This is non-negotiable.
I will NEVER ask you for lodging, finance or anything material.
However, once I do commit, it will be completely and I expect the same in return. I have compromised too many times and will not do so again.

If the above is not for you, walk away. I will start this journey as I mean to continue - honestly and openly. If you feel the same, drop me a line.

I do not care about colour, creed, size, past or any other label society or self imposes. If there is a connection, there is a connection. As far as I am concerned, that is all that matters.

I am very tactile and I need the same in return. A gentle touch will literally stop my world in its tracks. Sometimes it is the only thing that will.
I miss the twinkle in the eye of the sub who's just broken a rule just to get the LOOK that confirms she's in for a good night and a sore morning after....
My sub has my all. I expect the same in return. Hence vanilla doesn't work for me.
Happy in my own skin (at last), I do not need to shout about who or what I am.

I will also get a photo sorted out later, when I don't look like I've just been dug up.

Kinky Date18 to 55 years ● 100km around UK, Stratford-upon-avon 5 years ago
Kinky Date18 to 80 years ● 50km around UK, Bromsgrove 10 months ago

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