
Male (37) Single

Seeking to be like a Slave Lover for romance

I am 33, single, never married and have no children. I am seeking a woman that is interested in being my mistress, I would like a healthy woman interested in living together. I would like to be treasured and respected. I would submit as slave. I am a writer for Majestic Records Corporation, and I want to write music drawn from my expereince.

I make over one thousand dollars a month as a guarenteed income, and I'd like to find a woman that wants to get to know me. I would like to find a woman with common interests and come to an agreement on terms for a relationship. I'd like to rent a room from the woman and live with the woman.

I am writing movie scripts and music. I have two books, and am working on a third book. I write, listen to music and study online to gain knowledge to apply to my work. I know how to cook and clean, and expect to be doing so as a slave lover. I am not very good at baking, but I can bake.

My ideal match is also interested in making music, but I really want a woman that will treasure me and respect me as a slave lover. If you are interested, lets see if were a match and move forward with our lives.

Seeking to be like a Slave Lover for romance

Kinky Date21 to 50 years ● In USA, Merced