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Advice on Guilt


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I think you have to just do what makes you happy....the guilt will ease..  

Hey, are you Catholic?! If you are it's probably that! X
I think the most enlightening thing for me was accidently coming across kinky people in real life; as it made me feel wholly more at ease about it. However i get what you mean x

when I started I felt a lot of guilt (atheist - so, definitely not a religion thing) and then sometimes, the guilt would turn me on, making me feel even more guilt. Ha.

But, just kinda - what you are doing (whatever it is) it's not weird or unusual - there's many other like you or similar all around the world and closer than you might expect.  BDSM has a history going back thousands of years.

Though I guess if there is some form of thing specific - is what you are doing hurting other people (and not in a good way, ha) or likely to - in which case that becomes a different kettle of fish.


I am not Catholic. We were brought up in a Lutheran society but my family was not particularly Christian, in fact my father left the State Church. Yet, I did feel this unease, as if I was doing something wrong, as people I interacted with did not understand the kinky side. I have tried to suppress it, but it is there, as it is part of who I am. 

I have come to that acceptance, but finding the balance is an on-going task, as we all grow and develop. 

That was a long way of saying to give it time. Being around likeminded people helps a lot. It is a mindset. Good luck


I am always doing something wrong - that is life, living and learning ;)

People are brought up differently all over the world - just because you are brought up one way doesn't mean 'you' arent able to change and that change or that being different is not correct.



If your enjoying what you do then its not wrong for you. So shouldnt feel guilty 


I’ve never personally felt like I’ve been doing something wrong, however I have seen it in other people. It’s usually rooted in the way they grew up, with the mixing up *** and bdsm (the you should never hit a woman teaching). 

There is a lot of good information out there about the difference between *** and bdsm - my favourite simple saying is 1,000 words will not stop *** but one safeword will stop bdsm. 

Another friend felt guilt in her bdsm relationship because she enjoyed *** play. She had identified as a feminist and felt she was disrespecting feminism for enjoying it. In her case she needed to flip her thoughts around. The feminist movement is a fight for the right to freely choose what you want as a woman. That choice includes the choice to hand control over to another. 

There’s probably a dozen other reasons someone could feel guilt in bdsm, but if you think your guilt may be associated with the perception that bdsm is abusive, spend time analysing how a consensual adult negotiated relationship, where you are respected and heard, is different from what your guilt is trying to make you believe. Good luck.


Heels 👠👠

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