My ideal woman who loves sifi and be supportive and loving, understanding, tolerant, willing to fight to keep us together, sweet, home body, sensitive, funny, caring, smart, puts me before others, and will do what ever it takes to make her man happy even if it is to be his slave. Also she has to be open and tell me if something is wrong so I can help her. She should tell me what she likes and hates so I can make her happy so we never divorce.As you know by reading my profile I want a slave to move in with me that is highly compatible with me mentally so we will have a happy life together their is a 70% divorce rate mostly started by the woman when she can not change the man to the way she wants the guy to be or she gets board. A woman that will give her self as a life time slave will trust her man to always be their for her in the good times and more importantly in the bad times she has to be strong enough to let go of control and trust in his love for her. As you know their are all types of woman some like anal some hate it some like giving blow jobs some hate it some like their hair pulled and their ass spanked and some do not some like to be slaves some like to be a mistress. I have a 22 page comprehensive compatibility test I will give you if you do not want to take it do not contact me I am tired of woman playing games here and just sending mail saying saying hi. if you want to end up getting married contact me if you are just playing games go away. I do not txt or do live chat hang outs or phone just email. A GOOD master takes care of his slave, he is totally responsible for keeping her safe like if she likes to be tied up and a fire breaks out he has to get her out of their even at the risk of his own life because she puts her complete trust in him and he MUST protect her at all costs even if he has to die to do it. A master slave relationship is very deep she gives complete trust and control to him knowing that he will never do any thing to cause her any real harm only do things that they talked about doing. They love each other in a way others would not understand but it works for them. It is not like you see in the movies. I will expect you to send me a picture of your self standing up holding a sign saying slave in dark letters.

BDSM Play Partner ● 18 to 30 years USA, Mount Washington ● 2 years ago

I have spent most of my life traveling and working overseas. That is as much information as I will give until I know I can trust the person asking.

I was married for six years but spent less than three months together after saying our vows. I loved her but she couldn't just be with me. We separated two months after getting married. I could never bring myself to file for divorce. She ended up an addict and loved the more than she did me. She died a few years ago from a MRSA infection she contracted while hospitalized after an overdose.

I left the US shortly after she left me and built a life for myself, if a loanly one. I have never found someone else though I did try.

I have lived a life stranger than fiction. I have seen and done more than most people dream of. I have survived things most people would difficult to evem imagine. You know what they say about scars. Each one is badge badge of honor and a drunken tale.

I want to find a girl who can accept me for who I am. There is a native American creation myth that explains who I am still searching for. I want to find my Naieshtae my split apart. I am still searching for the other half of my soul. The piece of me torn away the moment my soul was born. I know she is out there somewhere searching for me just as I do for her. I will know her because she will, at the risk of sounding clichΓ©, complete me.

A good friend found his soul mate here so, at their urging, I figured I would give the whole online thing a go.

I guess at this point I should give at least bit of information about my personal proclivities. I have an oral fixation/fetish that borders on obsession. I will go down on the girl I am with any time, anywhere she desires. I love making my girl squirt because nothing in the world tastes better. I will drink from her any time, any where, any amount and I am always thirsty.

Moving on. I have always wanted to try something but I have never met someone interested. I want to find a girl that is willing to make me her bend over boyfriend. I have never had the chance and it interests me. The thought of a girl, I think it is called, pegging me is a real turn on. I don't know if I would like it or not but I want to find a girl that will accept me, kinks and all.

I think I will stop here for the time being and see where this goes.


Kinky Date ● 18 to 40 years USA, Woodstock ● one year ago

BDSM Dating - Fetish Personals

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