record scratch

Yep....that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here? Well to tell you the truth I'm not 100% sure either. So I'll try and start from the beginning
I was born into a very well off family and had the childhood that went with that, the private school the ponies all of it. I was always discouraged from dating because mostly my father would tell me no man will ever be good enough and my mum would tell me the right man will find his way when I'm ready just focus on your career let God do his thing. So of course I went to school worked hard, onto uni worked a lot harder graduated from one of the most competitive schools in the country (top of my class) and then started my own business. I worked extremely hard to build it into what it is today and to a point where almost everyone would agree it's been a success and so have I. Fast forward I'm now in my Early 30s and haven't had a real relationship in what feels like a decade. Ive tried dating it just isn't for me something always felt off. Then through the disaster that was COVID with business shut down again I discovered the trad wife movement and the lightbulb went off. As much as I would try and research and learn as much as I could I went further down the rabbit hole each and every day until I found this site and a few others just like it. I was home. I had found my calling. Everything about it feels right and almost like my destiny. I am not meant to be someone's wife or some high class business woman. I am a slave, I am property. Boy does it finally feel good to say that. I am here to find someone who I can give myself to, I want to find someone I can spend the rest of my life serving with every fiber of my being.

Thank you for reading

BDSM/Fetish FamilyUK, Chester 5 months ago

Classic and stylish 1965 model looking for new owner, all original, genuine parts and no modifications

57 miles on the clock, fair few passengers

Sumptuous yet exciting ride

Seats recline at the touch of a button, getting them back up takes longer nowadays

Horn as standard, still loud and proud

Prefers the harsher slap of a mechanical car wash yet still waxed regularly

Spare tyres as standard

Recharges well, however if you have no power to give, meh

Accelerates rapidly when turned on

Can handle a rough ride and dangerous corners

Manual vs automatic

Very smart car but prefers touch access to phone connection

Prefers a comfortable garage to the drive or road side

Steering needs a firm hand on tight corners

Huge boot

Rarely s and starts first time, however likes a little applied

A few careless owners but self generates effectively. Reasonable ***t work, a few dents and scratches, doesn’t need touching up, fine as is, unless you fancy a touch up that is

No undiagnosed mechanical issues

Log book is English, south coast to be precise, please make sure yours is approximate

I am the main ride, if you are a multiple owner/collector, don't put in an offer

Doesn’t mind you riding in the odd taxi or flashy sports model as long as you come back to old faithful

NOT offering taxi rides to other owners nor smokers

Doesn’t do side of the road pick ups, nor offer test drives

Service history has been well stamped and must be kept up with regular maintenance and care, leather work requires regular creaming, polishing and a good working in, this takes time and love, both necessary

Looking for trips to various places, kink and vanilla destinations preferred, however as this model hasn't been driven in a while, a few events have been planned

Although regularly cleaned, prone to cat and dog hairs, so allergens are present

Awesome sumptuous body work

Needs a musical to be playing to sing along to, loudly

Sat nav often gets stubborn and may need reminding

Can provide papers and MOT

You'll feel the necessary vibrations with current suspension

Regular exhaust cleaning, so back firing is negotiable

Understands traffic lights well

Fan (of) belt standard

Engine still firing on all cylinders though battery needs replenishing from time to time so preference given to quality rides that recharge

Convertible, top still looks good down

Oil changed regularly, chassis greased and lubed as required, however dries up quicker ya know

Some slack in the rack and pinion, steering is FIRM in response however

Headlights are always on

Bareback leather available to a good owner

Long term owner preferred

Must pass the basic reading test (the above) to apply

Ps I am not the driver I am a submissive and cuckquean and my owner criteria (prospective owner clearly) is on my profile.

Kinky Date40 to 65 years ● 115km around UK, Lancing 2 weeks ago

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