Victoria Blisse maybe new to the BDSM scene but she’s definitely thrown herself into the deep end and is loving every minute of it! Even still, there are a few questions she wished she’d asked when she first walked into a dungeon. Her shyness has thankfully lifted and she’s here to share with you, her experiences in a series to help everyone understand and learn about bondage dungeons.


Dungeons for Beginners: Slave Cages

This article focuses on the cage, a typical piece of dungeon furniture seen widely across BDSM clubs and dungeons that seems incredibly simple but has hidden depths.

How to spot a cage in any dungeon

Cages are made of metal bars, which I’m sure won’t come as a surprise! Most are rectangular, high enough and wide enough to accommodate a person crawling on hands and knees and long enough so a person can lie curled up or remain in a crouched position inside.


Some will be longer, made to accommodate more than one person. They may have leather padding on top or have a head hole in one end to make the equipment multi purpose. You may see circular ones too, or coffin shaped slave cages to keep the sub inside much more tightly confined.

slave cage
Slave on parade!

Uses for a Cage

A cage may be one of the most versatile items of furniture in a bondage dungeon. It can be used for all different reasons in a variety of different scenes and really doesn’t need any specialist directions, training. It’s a simple as it looks!

Pet play jumps to mind, your pet can use the cage just like any other cat or dog. Supply them with their own blankie and bowl of water/treats if you’re a good Master or Mistress and let them have a little rest from all the play. Or you can use it as part of your training, getting your pet to return to the cage at your command.


It can be used as both a punishment and a shelter. I have witnessed many a tired and overstimulated sub curling up in the cage for a quick recharge and nap. It can also be used as a punishment. Lock a naughty slave up as they wait for their spanking or after the impact play so they can’t quite get comfortable. It’s up to how sadistic the Dom or Domme is.


What else can you use with cage play?

  • A person confined within a cage can be caressed, prodded and poked with fingers and other body parts or, if you’re particularly cruel, a cow prod, taser or other electric shock giving implement.
  • The bottom can be restrained within the cage or even to the cage with rope, chain or cuffs. If this is done, be sure you can free them quickly in case of any emergency.
  • The sub can be naked, clothed in latex, dressed as their pet persona or some other costume. This can add to any scene, starting it before the cage is even involved.
  • Impact play can’t really be conducted through the bars of the steel bondage cage, it is much more about bondage and restraint. However, a hand between the bars can strike and slap easily enough. If you have smaller paddles, canes or slappers then you can wield those also.  
  • You can conduct impact play with the bottom bending over the top of the cage if it is padded. Take care, as strikes will force your sub against the edges and that could cause pain and damage you don’t want.

Slave in the sky!

Play safe

As with any form of restraint be sure that you can get the person free quickly in case of an emergency.  Be sure that any and all locks are fully functional and there aren’t any faults in the metal work of the cage that could cause unwanted injury.

If you adding extra restraints into your play, check they are safe and easy to remove if necessary. Think about how you will access them if your play partner is inside the cage, it’s always good to think of a worst case scenario so you can avoid it happening.

Any form of impact play inside the cage needs to be closely monitored so that both top and bottom are safe. If you are including electricity in your play be sure you know how to use your devices safely and if in doubt don’t use it.

Bottoms, be sure you have agreed on ways to communicate to your top that you want things to stop, especially if you’re restrained and/or gagged. It is important that you keep your top informed every step of the way how you’re doing and let him or her know if you aren’t happy with something happening.



Tops need to pay extra attention to the body language from their bottoms and be sure that any restraints aren’t causing serious problems to circulation.

And as always, wipe down the equipment when you have finished with it to leave it sparkling clean for the next people using it.

Images Wikipedia & Flickr Creative Commons user torbakhopper


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