Women kick ass every day of the week, and this International Women's Day is no exception! This year, we're bringing another opportunity to discover some amazing women who make the sex-positive community such a wonderful place to be. We asked Victoria Blisse to highlight eight amazing women who light the way for others to live their best lives every day.


1. Hilde Atalanta

An illustrator based in Amsterdam, Hilde has created the unique and inspiring Vulva Gallery, where she illustrates the vulvas of many people and shares their personal stories with a massive community of supportive fans. The gallery is a unique educational tool to fight stigma and is filled with beautiful vulva portraits of all kinds of people. This body-positive movement sets out to prove that all vulvas are perfect just as they are. 


2. August McLaughlin

August believes that sexuality is so much more than sex, and while recovering from a severe eating disorder, she found embracing her sexuality a real help and decided to pass on what she learned to the world. 

Her book Girl Boner, which later turned into a sex-positive podcast, adds further to this health and sexuality journalist's work towards gender parity and sexual empowerment. August works in many ways to help women embrace their sexuality. 


3. Sangeeta Pillai

Growing up in a Mumbai slum, Sangeeta herself had to fight against shame and taboo that have south Asian women feeling guilty about natural bodily functions such as periods. She started Soul Sutras as a blog, which has turned into a more significant project, including a podcast and workshops giving south Asian women a safe space to tell their stories and support each other in the fight against patriarchy. 


4. Dami Olonisakin

Simply Oloni is a sex-positive hub started by this British Nigerian. After being inspired by a sermon on abortion, Dami wanted her point of view to be known. From there, she has created a space for women of color to ask questions about sex anonymously and get answers from someone who understands and gives sex-positive, relevant advice. 


5. Amy Norton

Amy is a 30-something queer, kinky cis woman who believes sex has the power to change the world. Her website Coffee and Kink is her way of bringing sex and kink positivity to the world to help everyone connect with their sexual selves. Amy uses her sex blogging to review toys, discuss important issues such as consent, and keeps a firm focus on the pleasure of sex. Amy's work reaches far and wide and is a reliable place to find kink and sex-positive information to enhance your sex life. 


6. Alix Fox

Not only is this woman the punniest human on the planet she is a sex-positive advocate in all she does. A journalist, podcaster, and script consultant for Sex Education, the Netflix show, Alix wears many hats and is fantastic in all of them. She works tirelessly to remove shame and taboo from all things sexual. She is a delight and a woman to follow on Instagram and other social media platforms.


7. Rev. Natalie Waste

Many people have been cruelly treated at the hands of the church, and this reverend works to correct this. As a kinky bisexual trans woman, Rev. Natalie Waste works within the church to create inclusive, welcoming spaces for all genders and sexualities. Pastor to the perverted, she offers spiritual succor to all on her website, kink theology.  


8. Cameryn Moore

This American playwright, performer, and author currently resides in Berlin and has taken her sex-positive shows worldwide. Her sexy storytelling night, Smut Slam, regularly operated in 17 countries around the world pre-COVID, and her works have been seen in 70 countries across the globe. Moore's sex-positive, body-positive, and sex worker positive brand gives a safe space for all kinds of people to explore what sex means to them. 


These amazing women show the way forward with such love and generosity of spirit. Every International Women's day, we get closer to real equality for all, so let's keep fighting onwards for it. Every little act makes a difference. 

Victoria Blisse was an erotic author and sex-positive Reverend. She helped shape fetish.com and FET from the very beginning and we're eternally grateful for her passion and creativity. Sadly, she passed away in January 2024. We hope that whenever her articles are read, she'll be honored.

Who are your favorite sex-positive women? Let us know with a comment so we can follow them too!

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Cover image : released from Shutterstock

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Thank you for not focusing on period sex this year. 🤍

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Definitely has to be Sangeeta. Such guts!
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