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complete newbie, help please


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hi! i am an anxiety ridden college student in his mid twenties that craves being babied and has no idea what to do about it. now that we've gotten that out of the way, does anyone know of anywhere i could find others similar to me or just more information?? especially for trans males >< i just need a little guidance or a push in the right direction or something.


Fetlife has a huge variety of groups to join- everything from bdsm 101 type topics to every flavor of kink imaginable. Research bdsm basics, caregivers & littles are a great place to start. Maybe google a bdsm checklist to get an idea of limits & interests. Welcome to the kinky family


Hi, and welcome.  Check out the magazine here; fill out your profile so people looking for you can find you; join in discussions on topics that interest you, and send polite PMs to those who you may feel in sync with.  Good luck.


Age-play or a Big/Little relationship is what it sounds like you're looking for. There are groups here and you can often find local Littles munches to meet people more locally. Happy hunting! 🍼

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