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The Future Feedom


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With the possibility of an major uk announcement on Thursday, some schools going back today.....

What is it you are most looking forward to once we have been granted freedom??.

I'm looking forward to sunday lunch with my mum! She has been locked away for about 8 weeks. We are both grateful that she is well. So 8 weeks is a small price to pay. Social distance coffee in the garden is not quite the same!


I hate to give a... I dunno

The schools aren't going back today in the UK.  Some in Germany are, but it's very limited.   The UK has said there are children not going to school who could be (i.e. children of key workers) 

I think the major announcement isn't going to be groundbreaking but a loose timetable.   Two major summer festivals have announced their cancellation over the weekend. 

I think this isn't quite gonna be the answer we want.

I kinda want the feeling of being able to plan again, but feel that's some way off


7 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:


I kinda want the feeling of being able to plan again, but feel that's some way off


yes, that's it for me to, not a specific thing I'll miss just not being able to say right on Tuesday it should be this


It looks like, here in the UK, we'll get a bit more information on Sunday. I'm sure it'll be a slow easing back with social restrictions being in place for a long while :(

Sorry to be a downer :P


To make some beautiful marks on my kitten body


Travelling! Though that's a long way off

52 minutes ago, Disduck said:

It looks like, here in the UK, we'll get a bit more information on Sunday. I'm sure it'll be a slow easing back with social restrictions being in place for a long while :(

Sorry to be a downer :P

Some people don’t seems to bother as I saw more and more traffic and family walking around 

4 minutes ago, FabSeverus said:

Some people don’t seems to bother as I saw more and more traffic and family walking around 

Yes, I'm seeing the same. On today's run I noticed that there were more cars out and about!


there's a lot of press speculation and I think some of that hasn't helped some people's self-relaxing

there's so many variables - so, I started a new job but haven't even been to their offices yet, let alone met my colleagues - but the general vibe is "even if the government says it's OK to reopen offices, we won't rush it" and also that will bring questions on what I want to do, if given the choice, because relaxed or not - every bus, train, etc. is a point of contact or infection risk - same for office etc.

Soooo... it'd be difficult to make some plans if I'm out with a risk of passing on


Companies will have to do a lot before they can re open. Legionella checking, thiscis a respiratory virus, legionella effects the lungs, so there is a greater need for companies to make sure water systems are flushed and tested, air con, will need to be cleaned and maintained, social distancing will need to be in place , restaurant can*** facilities controlled. Companies need to put proper plans in place first, and many will be staged returned. But restrictions are expected to be slightly relaxed . It will be some time before we go back to normal yet, if we ever do.


I'm looking forward to having a week off of work as 75% of my co workers chose the ferlough option. Not even planning to do anything just a week away from the stress of workimg flat out for the last 2 months


Im looking forward to a trip to London and daughters wedding, providing neither get cancelled. Otherwise, being able to go out with camera and leave the world behind for a few hours. Simple things really that I miss.


Looking forward to dancing again, although I suspect that's a way off O.o.


btw has anyone else noted the spelling mistake in the op, thought this was a post about fin dom lol

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