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Riding Hood


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They told her there were wolves in the woods, but she went anyway. 

"Why, hello little girl.  What are you doing in the woods all alone?" She had some story about her grandmother that I didn't listen to; I had a tasty little meal right here.  Humans have this thing called tenderizing their meat and I soon had her short skirt hiked up and was seeing what this was all about.  OK, maybe not.  I just like to play with my food and every little cry she made when I slapped her hindquarters just made me think how much more sweet it would be when I devoured my meal.  I ran my claws slowly down her back and growled in her ear making her tremble in ***.  Then gave her another slap on the bottom.  She trembled as I held her down, toying with her mind.  Soon she would be begging for me to eat her.  Maybe, her *** was delicious enough.

"Please, Mr. Wolf, I have a basket of goodies for my grandmother.  I will give them to you if you let me go."

Treats? Well, you humans do associate us wolves with large appetites and a little snack before I devour the little girl would be nice, so I agreed.  Or rather, I lied.

They told her there were wolves in the woods, and she came prepared.

She had a loop of rope in the basket and before I knew it she had slipped it over my fore-paws.  That was not all.  Some short length of cow skin.  I growled, she struck, I growled, she struck... Then something else - a collar.  No, I will not let you put that on me.  Ouch! No! Ouch! No matter what I will not- Ouch! Yes, fine, I will wear your collar.  But there was more.  I held out longer, growling and snapping at her, but she fended me off with her scourge until I let her put the muzzle on me too.

I do not know how long I spent sleeping chained up in her back yard.  I remember being beaten whenever I threatened her.  Over time I realized that she just wanted to bring me food.  I stopped growling, she stopped hitting me.  Shortly after that she let me stay inside.  The beatings started up again.  I began to make connections.  Make too much noise, get a beating.  Jump on the furniture, get a beating.  Soil the floor, get a beating.  As I started to behave the beatings stopped.  Then I stopped sleeping in the kitchen and was allowed to curl up at the foot of her bed.  Then came the day she removed my muzzle.  Big mistake, little girl.  Oh, how I had waited for the day when I could start to eat this little girl - only for some reason I didn't.  I ate the morsels of food that she held out and I licked her hand and I bowed my head so that she could scratch it. 

They told her there were wolves in the woods, but she only cares about one.

Now when she goes to visit her grandmother she puts a leash on my collar and takes me with her.  There are only snacks in her basket and she sometimes gives me one.  The other wolves make fun of me and say that she has turned me into a pet - from a distance.  Even though she no longer carries weapons in her basket they are scared because she doesn't need weapons; she has me.  Yes, you fools, I am her pet.  But that makes her my little girl and you don't mess with my little girl.


I absolutely love this!


A truly great story and so well written so thank you for sharing. The twists were wonderfully creative.


Nice,that really twisted the prey/predation dynamic........passionate parable.....thank you🙏

looking forward to having my primal feminist mentally toyed with in further writings.....🐺🐾🐾💚


Looooved the dynamic between these two. Beautiful! Thank you

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