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Slave virtues?


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So, here’s a Question, 


Is there such a thing as slave virtues? Like for example certain standards In attitudes that the slave should excel at?

Edited by John863
Grammatical errors

From my point of view (I'm a slave) it completely depend of the master's wishes and the sub wishes (so the compatibility they have).
Personally (so not all slaves), for me a good slave is a slave that is going to follow all the desires of her master (so it depends of the master) : obey, learn, endure. But the boundaries could be so different...
And also, sometimes, will prepare littles surprises for her master, to thanks and pleased him.


In my experience, that is yp to you. You can give specific protocols and tasks to be followed. You teach them the way you want a task done. Example: the maintenance and cleaning of all tools used for punishment. (Wood handles polished, each strand of the flogger sanitized, etc.) But there can also be a specific task unique to a slave, such as: Meal prep and kitchen, serving of guests in the home. A specialty task is handy when more than one slave is owned. It defines rtheir role in the house. For a single slave, it can be any task you want done, perfectly, every time.

Just my thoughts from what I've seen. It is really up to you, the Master.

45 minutes ago, Gally said:

From my point of view (I'm a slave) it completely depend of the master's wishes and the sub wishes (so the compatibility they have).
Personally (so not all slaves), for me a good slave is a slave that is going to follow all the desires of her master (so it depends of the master) : obey, learn, endure. But the boundaries could be so different...
And also, sometimes, will prepare littles surprises for her master, to thanks and pleased him.

Thank you for your reply. I have a follow up question, if you don’t mind?
What kind of things do you think we should be expected to endure as slaves?

40 minutes ago, John863 said:

Thank you for your reply. I have a follow up question, if you don’t mind?
What kind of things do you think we should be expected to endure as slaves?

It depend...
Usually before you will give you, entirely to someone, you have to be agree with your master of the boundaries. Things that you cannot accept at all. After, this relationship slave/master is also a trust relationship. Of course the master should be respectful at the end. But, he will also try to be the closest as possible of the boundaries and see how you will react. Of course, things could change with the time. But for me, a real master, the kind of master I will respect and serve as he asked me for, is also a master I will fully trust. So the question is not "what I have to do", it's more "what I want to do and which kind of master I'm dreaming for"


No! when a submissive decide to follow the path of slave type of submission, first she need to find the right Master for her safety and sanity, then its up to him to teach her the way.


A first point is that the wouldbe slave should have their own ideas on the standard of the Dominant they wish to serve - along with an idea what that relationship might look like.

A second point is to have the understanding if that type of arrangement is desirable or viable - and the acceptance if it is not.

They would need the patience to accept there may be many suitors, but that finding the right one will take time

They need the knowledge there is a lot of people who would take advantage - and have the self respect to avoid that.



There are no "established" standards on a slave's behaviour. However, there are some relationship models to determine boundaries. But it is individual in each relationship. Everyone must be comfortable with the rules and goals. Since a slave is submissive you got to follow some orders and fill your master's desires. How far this goes depends.


Regardless of what you decide to do in this moment you always have the right to withdraw consent at any time. I’m a submissive who in no way is a slave type. I know I don’t have it in my makeup to be one nor has it ever been something I’ve thought much about. Only you know what your master/mistress is looking for, only you know what you’re willing to do, and only you can make the decision. In this type of relationship I’d definitely recommend a contract spelling out the terms.


Another thing is to get away from the idea of being 'a slave' if you are new or inexperienced.  As I was reminded recently it's a term that makes a lot of people uncomfortable with the romanticising and fetishising of *actual* slavery - and that also if you've ready and of the sub v slave threads even just on here there's quite a split of opinions.

You can start by just wishing to serve somebody and just see what works between the two of you for relationship prospects.


Honestly I feel like every s-type should establish their own set of values they hold in serving and a dynamic. Just like how the D-types should as well. These values will help you establish your needs, and wants in a dynamic. For example I value open communication without the pressure of my dynamic being involved. These values you and your partner have ultimately establish your foundation in your dynamic. And for Behaviors and protocols those are things you slowly work in after discussing limits and how much power exchange you want in the dynamic. Also it’s very important that if you are going to put certain behavioural restrictions and corrections in place that you understand the origins of said behaviour.

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