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Time,Distance, Covid And Magic

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How long are you willing to go, willing to wait and suffer, how far are you willing to go to get what you want - the gorgeous fantasy you've built in your head with a foundation of loneliness ribboned with layers of intense chats and seemingly shared desires, intimate fantasies and everything you never knew you always wanted ....at some point do you shake the glitter foam off you shoes and go home , or do you chase down that ephemeral stag and try to tame it. Just like you've always been told was impossible. Mortals don't chase fairytales, or they risk all connection to what makes them human. The relevant question to me at this point is do I give a damn about remaining human?


Ooo, interesting thought šŸ¤”


To quote Carlos Casteneda...... " once you have lost your sanity, all you have left is your spirit.......only then do you become invincible! "........ Follow your magick...it exists within all of us......free from human labellingšŸ™šŸŒˆ

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