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The last cuff


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The last cuff

The last Limb now restrained. Her right arm secured. She now lay spreadeagled on the bed. Naked, gorgeous and bound. He took a moment to admire her beauty. Her body was just adorable, a gift from Aphrodite herself he thought. Now she was at the mercy of his trusted hands to please and to pleasure. 

Today was not a race. Time was on their side and he planned to use that wisely. Today was about fulfilling dreams as desires and discovering new heights of passion. So to begin he simply placed his hand on her back and slowly traced her spine down to her buttocks. 

He knew he was in control, to touch her as he desired and to use her body for his pleasure. She was his toy today and he intended to play long into the night. For now though she needed to know her place, to understand his expectations. Grabbing her hair he ***d her head up to meet his gaze. “Be good my sweet, do what I ask and sweet pleasures await” with those words he placed his hand between her thighs and gently touched her “however if you disobey or are slow to comply please know your fait. His words met her ear in harmony with his paddle striking her arse. He had used the same hand that had just brought her a moments joy. She jolted with the sudden eruption of *** and he pulled in her hair still harder bringing her mouth up to his. He kissed her lips and simply said, “Pleasure or *** my sweet, or Pleasure and ***. It’s all up to you”


My first story so let me know if you wish to read on 😘

Posted (edited)

Bless you honey, I will write more if it pleases 

Edited by Steve78

Write more I’d love to know how it ends!


You already know my answer to this, but Hell Yes!!!!!! thank you Sweet for allowing me to have a sneak peek,  now get writing can't wait to read the next part 💗💗💗😘🧚‍♀️


Fantastic!!!! I was hoping there was more lol I didn't want it to end!!!!!! 💜💜

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