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Best to lose virginity here? The best way to lose it?

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Hi I’m just wondering how to get things moving the best way possible because finding people is quite the struggle and I don’t know the ideal way forward without having to invite the worst person experience possible. I’d like to hear some suggestions, advice or what ever.

The question of course is how would you like to lose your virginity ?

Because on a fetish site there's no one really sitting around going "damn, I wish there were random new boys to deflower" (actually, no one really does that anywhere) 

Find a nice girl in any walk of life, date her, get to know her - let the magic happen

or, I dunno... 

Go to a swingers club (especially one that hosts a porn star party) and lose to some random you've just met.   

Or. IDK.

Or also maybe stop using virginity as a barrier or excuse.

First up you need to be honest with yourself OP - not suggesting you haven't been - but ask yourself some searching questions around why you place such importance on losing your virginity - why you think it might be that you've not already etc etc and then make changes based on that.

There are of course many ways you could lose your virginity quite easily right up to paying to do so, but is it really that important to you?

I'd also ask yourself whether a fetish site such as this is the best place to start - not saying it's not, but is your interest driven by the fantasy of kink, or a genuine interest? Of course you can't answer that for sure without the experience to know, but perhaps taking a step backwards and forging relationships with people for being people that interest and attract you, not just for sexual reasons would/should be the way to go.

As for how to even start - the answer lies with you, and what you think would work best for you - more traditional dating sites, joining interest groups or even work are all places you could meet people to start a relationship with but you can't *** it, nor should your starting point be sex - make it about you and what interests you hold (the non-sexual ones) and finding people you get on with and are attracted to you that way.

Essentially you need to take the pressure off yourself over your virginity - you'll find that when you do things will happen naturally and at their own pace.
Losing it is easy as stated sex is sex it can be meaningful or a one night stand.
Kink sites and submissive females or even Cougars or what ever kink you have that floats your boat doesn’t mean their easy.
There’s plenty of sites geared up (or you may find one in here who is into that sort of thing, though I wouldn’t hold my breath).
From my knowledge of vanilla female friends experience with supposed dating sites such as Tinder (great source of fake Doms) and Badoo (Date honestly… 🤔) they seem to lie their arses off to get a glorified wank with false promises.
Swingers clubs are probably the best option but the ones who use them sites don’t have the balls to go to one it’s certainly not something I have done but I know swingers and they are honest genuine friendly people.
You could find it in here or not but like the above 👆 comment, girls will ready this now thinking I’m just a cherry 🍒 popper or it’s kink or experience.
I myself wouldn’t on a site like this as for me personally women are different to men emotionally with maturity and how they see and deal with things.
I’m not sure if it was a female on here think it was the best way to lose mine as there are a lot of predators on sites in general.
It all depends on whether you think you should just lose it for no other reason than you've lost it, otherwise try not to worry about it or overthink it, also don't be embarrassed about it, just be proud of who you are
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