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I joined this site because for very many years I believed I was abnormal because I had a kink, fetish whatever you like to call it. A site like this is salvation, a chance to meet, interact and talk with like minded people. For that I am eternally grateful. But of late it seems that every other profile is somebody looking for their ‘paypig’. I can’t help but think that this is not within the spirit of this site? Am I alone in this because it has, frankly, put me off coming on here as much. I, personally, feel that looking for a ‘pathetic piggy’ is possibly a search that should occur elsewhere? Thoughts or am I being over sensitive? 

I suppose the question is, is looking for a 'paypig' different to looking for a spanker, rubberlover, DaddyDom, foot slave etc. I realise it is more of a business transaction but if the people asking are registered on here as professionals, then I cannot see they are doing anything wrong. I am not into rubber but have no problem with someone asking for a rubber lover. Kink is a very very 'broad' church with many different facets, some more popular than others, but the old saying of YKINMK (Your Kink Is Not My Kink) prevails, I may not like or understand it but each to their own.
I'm a findomme, and I hate the word "paypig" It's not something I use often. I prefer financial slave. But then I want more than the financial aspect with it, there's a lot of stigma around findom. I don't see it being out of the spirit of the site. Because it is a fetish and if it's done right can be extremely rewarding for both parties but then I completely get your point. I agree with nondescriptcouple, try keep a each to there own view. 9/10 places now you find findoms, I can say this is one place I've seen less findommey activity than others.
I totally agree with these 2. If being a paypig, financial slave etc isn’t your thing that doesn’t make it wrong, simply steer away from those that do enjoy it. Why should it occur elsewhere & why should those who’s fetish is paying for a service be made to feel different than you & I. This is an open & honest site & as long as people are so, then why is one persons kink wrong? Personally I hate feet but many on here love them but that doesn’t make either me or them wrong. Some on here are looking for a quick 5 second shag, it’s not what most want but again it’s not wrong. We’re all different & that’s what makes us all wonderful.
its been said or discussed many time now and we all agree its not really for all of us. But the site is a business and as such welcome this type of profiles. They will dissapeared if no interest is showned to them. But there are a few kinkster who are into it and its part of their orientation. Just ignore it.

There are different reasons why some ladies will wish to receive a form of payment. For some it is more than just the financial gain, for them the fact some will pay in exchange for whatever it is they want is a fetish or a kink in itself, as is the power or feeling of control they feel they hold over that person. So surely we cannot say it should not be acceptable on here. Even if it is purely for financial benefit it is still providing a way for some to experience & enjoy their kinks or fetishes that they may not otherwise be able to do. At least by making it known from the beginning everyone knows where they stand & what is expected, far better than contacting someone & then finding it out somewhere further down the line. 

Haha. Welcome to my world buddy! Personally I don't care what people spend their *** on as long as I have the option of blocking such people. Which, sadly we don't. So the beggars are in our face all day every day!
I agree! In the short time that I have been with this site, there has been a steady increase in members who are seeking piggies. It is off-putting but I see it as endemic in all dating sites. I guess that is just the way it is! I'm going to stay with site (even though I am a non-paying, non-verified member) because there is a considerable number of genuine kinksters here and I am learning a lot! PS Has anyone had their member verified?😋

I would presume the site charges Professional service providers extra, though I don't know for sure..the problem ones don't tend to be authorised professional accounts, legit ones have a euro symbol on their profile.. and the site actively encourages members to report problem profiles and messages.

I do know there are a hundreds if not thousands, of non paying, unverified members here who are usually the ones with the most complaints and criticisms..which irritates the hell out of me, because in my opinion if you don't pay for access to a site, suck up your grievances, or move on..without paying members supporting free ones they'd have no site to use after all.

Personally I, like @SirArtu would prefer to to be able pre emptively block problem accounts, be they pro, or if I see other red flags that concern me, but as yet we can't do that..I believe you can set your filters so that pro accounts can't contact you, in the same way you can prevent gender, age, distance, etc etc..but, echoing what the majority have said, whether you approve of it or don't, financial domination is a legitimate kink, and one, whose practitioners on either side of the cane, have absolutely the right to do as they see fit..just like someone with an asphyxiation/ breath play fetish for example..niche, like financial domination.


No, you are not alone on that feeling it is being mentioned with some frequency here and I honestly agree with you.

it's come up a few times and - it's simple.

Do they have a € sign on their profile.  If so, then why are you on their profile if you're not interested in paying.

If not... then report the profile, bottom left corner.  Gone.

Otherwise - I dunno...  it seems to be the only thing that ever gets singled out.  Imagine if about 6 threads started about all the entitled guys haha.  

equally - if you're in Durham - there's absolutely fuck tonnes of munches, events, etc. in the area - and I promise no Findommes....
It would be a shame for you to abandon this site, when it's become your pleasure to interact with other likeminded people. I can understand the frustration of chatting with people who might suddenly spring that they charge. In that case, just delete. I also appreciate that it's a huge waste of time when you may have hoped that the conversation was "normal" and heading somewhere. Take the rough with the smooth and put down to experience. Enjoy your new found freedom.

I just look at findomme as the couple where the partner hands over his wages to his partner every week (some men used to do this and seeing as it's meant to be fact that women still have a say in 80% of the household budget i'd say this is fairly normal). I suppose when you're not in a relationship then this might seem unusual as you're expecting to have no contract and no obligation to the other person involved, well they don't want that. They want something in return.

This is probably the only site where i haven't been offered *** or goods without asking for them. Usually on all sites there will be guys who think their *** means they can buy what they want, but not here. It may be because i do not have the euro on my profile, if so then i think this site is working as it should (from my end anyway). Maybe they should have a euro crossed out for the men who do not want to pay for services?


I dunno.  I think that some form of 'opt out' symbol isn't going to stop those who message anyway and then turns on the pea-brain logic of "if I state I'm not interested in paying, someone will give me my fetishes for free"

But yeah.  It's kinda funny.  Mens big ***s in kink are nearly always around ***. Being scammed, being ripped-off, so forth.  Compare this to women or those whom are trans where *** is usually sexual *** or *** and it becomes an epitome of male entitlement.


2 hours ago, 3SumQueen said:


*This is probably the only site where i haven't been offered *** or goods without asking for them. Usually on all sites there will be guys who think their *** means they can buy what they want, but not here.

I'm offered cash for services at least once a week, usually from guys with more nichè requirements..whether they think asking a lifestyle Mistress means they can save a little ***, are just plain ignorant or, unaware of the difference between a non pro and pro I don't know..so far no one's volunteered to sort my shit pit garden out yet though, just as well I might be tempted 🤣

*Maybe they should have a euro crossed out for the men who do not want to pay for services?

Awesome idea, might help at least cut the constant stream of this type of post 😊





Edited by Deleted Member

The scammers are gonna push limits as they don't respect boundaries at all, otherwise they wouldn't be lying and scamming in the first place. Same for the people using others or who don't read profiles, they don't respect boundaries either -our profile and what we are looking for are boundaries. It was just an idea, only just thought about it as i only just realised  this is the only site i haven't been offered *** on and it may be that the euro symbol has something to do with that or it might just be there are paid services on here also and that is why. Whatever it is i feel the Dominatrix thing is beneficial to this site for me personally and helps men at least understand that there are other options than expecting women to do stuff for them for nothing, which leads back to the entitlement thing you mentioned. @eyemblacksheep


I feel fairly safe tbh as a female, have had a couple of bad experiences but most men who feel entitled do give off  things we can pick upon fairly quickly (many do it straight away to save us the hassle of bothering to find out so thanks to them for that). But nobody is going after us for our *** so that is good. Overall i think men should be concerned about being scammed and it is the genuine guys who get off on findom or enjoy paying for women who are going to have the worst time if they don't use this site appropriately or don't know how to pick up on being scammed anywhere online/offline but yeah i'd like to the sense of entitlement gone from everyone, the people wanting *** who don't care about how they get that and the people wanting access to peoples time and bodies.



19 minutes ago, MsJax said:

I'm offered cash for services at least once a week, usually from guys with more nichè requirements..whether they think asking a lifestyle Mistress means they can save a little ***, are just plain ignorant or, unaware of the difference between a non pro and pro I don't know..so far no one's volunteered to sort my shit pit garden out yet though, just as well I might be tempted 🤣

Lol, @MsJax

I've had my garden sorted, couple of laptops fixed, and housework done using vanilla sites, maybe you should try those? I didn't even offer the guys anything for doing it except a brew.


I dunno, new to the site and I can ignore it. Personally Mrs LugNut deals with the *** anyway. I can't be arsed with dealing with it myself. We have joint accounts but I have no idea how to log into them - as long as my debit card keeps working I am fine. As for paying for services, I think that is fine, why not? I'm glad I am not in the position to want / need to. We are not lifestyle kinksters, our play and sex is one part of our lives that we seperate from day to day living - although due to mental illness the borders are a bit blurred for me at the moment. Anyway, my only concern is that desperate people, mainly men I guess, end up financially ruining themselves by overspending through 'addiction'. Personally I try to draw the line when play starts to impact on basic day to day functioning as I worry it might not be healthy and could lead to issues down the road. That is just my opinnion, I am certainly no expert so happy if people dissagree.


Re: Euro crossed out

Couple of reasons why it wouldn't work.

First off. In your settings there are message filters.  Guys can already set filters to reduce/stop unwanted messages (as can everyone else).

But, this isn't what is happening.  There are three trenches.

Number 1 : People are ignoring what someone is/isn't interested in and messaging them anyway.  If so, they'd just ignore a symbol on a profile.  Gives no extra benefit to tools that already exist.

But, Number 1 isn't as common as some of the guys make out, for reasons 2 and 3 incoming.

Number 2 : Guys are engaging in a conversation with someone who (they claim) interests them and then suddenly talk of a meet or play comes up and suddenly a surprise of ***.  A symbol wouldn't help there either.  I mean obviously in this case I can see why a guy was upset, he thought he was getting somewhere but no - suddenly dollar dollar bill y'all.  But, likewise - guys are guilty of just the same - messaging someone under the pretence of getting to know someone, to be their friend, but really what they're hoping is if they put enough kindness coins in the kink will drop out.  But, it is an element of sites in general - sometimes you just gotta accept it's an exchange that's led to nowheresville and - y'know, life aint fair.

Mind. I reckon in some instances the guy hasn't read her profile and there was something clear on that implied her interests were financial or - that she was a sub (and he's looking for a Domme) or the constant joke of trying to play big badly Domly Master  to someone who is a Dominant....

But, where I think the bulk of the reality is - is number 3.

There's something in common with every one of the "Findom" and "Paypigs" threads like this.  The guys who start them have usually sent considerably more messages out than they have received - often in a short space of time.  There was the guy who'd been on the site 7 days and managed to send out 600 messages and only get 200 back - the 200 back will have been from conversations so around the other 400, most of these will have been cold contacts.  In a fucking week.  Likely 40-50 different women messaged every a day then bitching that it was the women who were wrong.  So...

Number 3 : guys who are pretty much sitting on the site waiting for newbies to prey on.  I hold my hands up I have sent "welcome to the site" messages sometimes when someone new pops up near me - but I kinda stopped doing that because however I meant it or didn't, you can see how it can come across.  So, maybe every day, few days, week, or month - they come on - browse through new profiles and then messages fired out to new women.  But, when they're doing this they read profiles and it's like "here's my wishlist", "looking for piggies" or whatever and they're disappointed.  So having any form of symbol on their profile wouldn't change anything because they are the ones hunting out the fresh meat so to speak.

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