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Yes it will soon be here.

Does any 1 get to spend it with there kink partner or play.mate. Also what's the.perfect gift a partner or playmate as gotten you for Christmas. 


Last year was masters an my 1st Christmas together.  Was awesome we cooked Dinner together then in the evening we went to my parents.


Master got me a pancake maker. He said I'd never ues it but I have a few times. Master got slippers an a ps4 game pass 


Someone from this site got me a bottle of Jack Daniels and a Greggs Gift Card - and it was especially wonderful because it wasn't expected. 

I spend Christmas with my wife - if I was in any other relationships then we'd chat on Christmas and fine another time to meet.

Honestly I probably won't be been single last few Christmas's and probably be the same this year so will spend time with family or friends but also take a me day on 26th and shut my phone off and just chill on the couch read a book or something
I would love to spend Christmas with my partner/ playmate but first I need to find one or else it's going to be a quiet celebration at home on my own again. I don't mind too much though as I am sure I can binge out on Netflix again.
This is a really sweet post and I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s replies ☺️ I’ve had no-one to spend Christmas with for years, but back when I did it was *** - and not the fun kind! So even if I’m lonely, I certainly won’t be rushing into anything soon.
My family is somewhat dscombobulated now
3 hours ago, MaddieShires said:

For me, Christmas is for family.

My master is part of my family. We've been threw so much the last 5 years. None kink related. I was expecting to do it all on my own but no master as been my rock. He's not just my master he's my partner but most importantly my freind.


@Glasgowguy1991 what sort of book . I love books ?


@eyemblacksheep can not go wrong ever with a Greg's gift card.

@Cuddlybear_uk_Domwhat's worth watching on netflix

I lost faith in xmas many years ago.....when it became clear to me its mainly about greed,, and its true meaning was well lost, so as naff as it may sound it really is just another day. However a ps4 game pass is a cracking pressie. 😊
I have a ticket to fly to Germany from Australia the week before Xmas, and we will be spending from before Xmas into the Newyear together. I can't tell you what I got him because he's on here and would probably see it, but its stuff I know he will like. I absolutely can't wait. I already know we are going to have a great time together.
1 hour ago, Donnykinkster said:
I lost faith in xmas many years ago.....when it became clear to me its mainly about greed,, and its true meaning was well lost, so as naff as it may sound it really is just another day. However a ps4 game pass is a cracking pressie. 😊

Greed you are right, so very sad. Sadly lost a number of family this year and its going to be tough. @Charms you lucky lady I hope you have a wonderful time. X


This year will be mine and @Liam52 third Christmas together. Even thou we haven't had Christmas day together etc we still have our own little Christmas when he comes up just before. I'm hoping one year we will get a full Christmas together, but for now I'm happy for the time we get together. We open our presents together and have our own little Christmas dinner, I've brought some really good presents can't say what they are cause he's on here lol 😉 but I'll be spending Christmas day with my family probably will drink waaaaayyy too much and eat waaaaayyyyyyyy too much too lol. 


I also think of the people who don't have anyone, like the elderly who have no family or the homeless. I was thinking next year, maybe go help out at a shelter and help feed the homeless on Christmas day and forgo my own for one year. 

But I do agree Christmas has lost its true meaning and magic and just isn't the same anymore, and I work in retail and let me tell you it's NOT the most wonderful time of the year lol!!!!! People are savages and rude and only out for themselves! 


Posted (edited)

I have a pre christmas thing where I join with some friends and collect winter clothing, blankets and (more often than you would imagine) old xmas jumpers that we take to London and give to homeless people a few days before christmas. (been doing this for about 10 years now)

I then love to spend my time with Kitty or family. This year we plan to have a lovely quiet one at home with rope, blankets, movies and far too much food and drink. The problem for us is, if we want anything, we just go and get it so there isnt a lot we want by the time xmas comes along. We are both hard to buy for so we just say " this is my very early xmas gift" when we see something in the year. I love xmas but only because its a great reason to be with the ones we love and care for.

Edited by SirGreen

Lovely topic, Charms! :sparkling_heart:

@Donnykinkster unfortunately I know what you mean because of in-laws for who it's all about getting pissed and buying mountains of presents. But I always manage to keep at least the 24th (actual Christmas day where I come from) a bit more traditional: cosy, quiet and personal. So I will spend it with partner and dog next to the Christmas tree, singing songs, having good conversations over tasty dinner and of course watching the dog devour her special X-mas dinner.. :smiley: 

And then comes the 25th, when the in-law family madness starts and the motto is: grin and bear it... 

1 hour ago, Shark_61695 said:
I've dreamed for years of spending Christmas alone, still too much guilt from my mum, shouting and other hassle means I don't get a choice.

😔 There should be an “Adopt A Kinky Pal” scheme

2 hours ago, DuchessFeuille said:

😔 There should be an “Adopt A Kinky Pal” scheme

I agree would be awesome.  I think same should happen if none as any 1 to send  yhem birthday cards or gifts

Thursday at 08:24 PM, DuchessFeuille said:
This is a really sweet post and I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s replies ☺️ I’ve had no-one to spend Christmas with for years, but back when I did it was *** - and not the fun kind! So even if I’m lonely, I certainly won’t be rushing into anything soon.

The way that I see your situation is, that you might be lonely, but not alone in contrast you could be in a group but feel alone. As long as you’re okay with your own company then are you really lonely/alone?

13 minutes ago, sub_nick said:

The way that I see your situation is, that you might be lonely, but not alone in contrast you could be in a group but feel alone. As long as you’re okay with your own company then are you really lonely/alone?

There is a difference between ‘lonely’ and ‘alone’. One may be perfectly happy to be alone, and would not feel lonely. Or as you say, one may feel alone in company, which is the most awful feeling (I’ve had many years where I’ve cried in the kitchen wishing I wasn’t sharing Christmas with those in the living room). So whilst I had much rather be alone than go through that again, my preference would still be for someone to share it, where we each desired the other’s company.

41 minutes ago, DuchessFeuille said:

There is a difference between ‘lonely’ and ‘alone’. One may be perfectly happy to be alone, and would not feel lonely. Or as you say, one may feel alone in company, which is the most awful feeling (I’ve had many years where I’ve cried in the kitchen wishing I wasn’t sharing Christmas with those in the living room). So whilst I had much rather be alone than go through that again, my preference would still be for someone to share it, where we each desired the other’s company.

Nothing better than spending it with someone special

3 hours ago, DuchessFeuille said:

There is a difference between ‘lonely’ and ‘alone’. One may be perfectly happy to be alone, and would not feel lonely. Or as you say, one may feel alone in company, which is the most awful feeling (I’ve had many years where I’ve cried in the kitchen wishing I wasn’t sharing Christmas with those in the living room). So whilst I had much rather be alone than go through that again, my preference would still be for someone to share it, where we each desired the other’s company.

Iv felt alone even though I was in company so much. But know I have my master an my kink freinds. 


No matter were I am as long as I can assess fetish.com I'm never alone. I fount my home.


People on here have give me strength an power over my vanila life an situations I was in . In the vanila world 

7 minutes ago, Charms said:

Iv felt alone even though I was in company so much. But know I have my master an my kink freinds. 


No matter were I am as long as I can assess fetish.com I'm never alone. I fount my home.


People on here have give me strength an power over my vanila life an situations I was in . In the vanila world 

That’s really sweet and I’m glad it’s working out so well for you. It must give you a lot of confidence - I hope so anyway ☺️

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