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Anyone ever been dominated in an unplanned real life situation??


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Posted (edited)

I got dominated by someone when i was injured. My kneecap had dislocated, my physical therapist had to pop it back in for me, after he popped it back in and was still holding my leg i lost the ability to support my own weight and ended up laying literally over his knee for a solid minute probably until he helped me get up. I have always been into being dominated so of course this is one of my favorite memories. Anyone else have something like this happen where you got dominated and wasn't expecting it?

Edited by jake-5435
Not entirely sure I'd call that being dominated to be honest and am sure your physical therapist certainly didn't see it that way.
3 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

Not entirely sure I'd call that being dominated to be honest and am sure your physical therapist certainly didn't see it that way.

well no of course he didn't, but i remember being pulled over his knee, and laying over his knee i felt pretty dominated since i couldnt move


I mean - every day when you go to work you have rules to follow and frameworks to be in....

6 hours ago, Dustykat said:

In my old job, I got to boss everyone around and be the dominant one but I'm very submissive.🧚‍♀️If they only knew 

I work with a bunch of alpha males. I’m in charge of them. I have let experts drive the discussion and taken the side seat and let them just do their thing, decisions have to be made and that falls back on me. Is that really an act of submission on my part? Or recognition that the end goal is better served without my direction.


I'm going back a few years - but every time there'd be some form of "interview with a Dominatrix" in a newspaper there'd always be a question about clients, particularly high-end, and there would always be an answer that has the trope of a CEO or manager who was used to having control and having their own way wanting to give up control or not have their own way.

That maybe they had to be hard on members of staff and effectively felt guilty

So on. So forth.

I actually find some of those tropes to be harmful and counter productive - but that is something which ties in a lot of a lot of struggles people have when they feel they have to be a certain way or whatever.


But yeah, effectively anyone in any form of authority position over you is asserting Dominance - often setting or enforcing rules you must follow or face consequences.  There may even be rewards for sticking to them.



Here is an interesting observation:  My neighbor across the street, once had a part-time business as a Licensed Massage Therapist.  He described the work that he did, and it sounded a lot like my work as a pro Dom.  Some of the terminology was different.  But, the essence was identical.

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