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That's a loaded question lol many different people will give many different answers. Although the general rule of thumb would be: a submissive who likes to push her Dom's buttons. Not in an unruly, belligerent, argumentative way, but in a playful attention-seeking way. I prefer my subs to be a bit bratty. They're always more fun for me personally than the typical masochistic types. If you enjoy playful pranksters & mischievous littles, brats might be for you👍 that's my 2¢ anyway. Feel free to disagree lol
I think it's being cheeky without being rude, humouress without being sarcastic. It's about having fun and who doesn't like fun?! I like trying to find loopholes to win/get my own way. I'm competitive but I don't want to always win,. It's dull. It's boring. I want to 'feel' someone's 'power' over me. In every way. I want to be overcome by it. If it's the right person, I know I'll submit but I don't necessarily want to do it willingly. I will but, well, not all the time. Likewise, I can't brat with the 'wrong' person. It's also almost a test of someone's Dominance. Do they have the ability to Dom me? Do they care enough to do so, at least in that moment? I could go on but, in a very convoluted nutshell, thats my take on being a 'brat' but again, it's subjective to the individual/relationship I think.

@CopperKnob gives a good definition. 

Challenge without confrontation. Teasing as a response. Flirtyness. All brat charicteristics. Above all not being a pushover. Like all of us I think I struggle for an exact definition. Just love it when I find it.


my Daddy calls me a brat all the time... now does He mean brat like when you go to the store and see that super naughty child throwing a fit bc they got told they couldnt have a toy? NO, for me when im called a brat its bc im picking on Daddy and being silly and sassy.. i am NEVER rude with my bratiness... for some of us its just a lil sassy to get Daddy to nib at us, bite us, or even a playful spanking.. When i get bratty (Daddy and i are also primal) Daddy will bite the back of my neck until He hears my breath change and listens to hear me submit.. to me its just super relaxing..  but other things i do that get called bratty are; trying to open my car door myself (or a door going into the store) , playfully spanking Daddy, sticking out my tongue (though He's threatened cloths pins for that offense) ,  when im being sassy in the mouth and such...

i think @sonofthunder777 and @CopperKnob hit it pretty well on the head with deff.. 


though i can say, ive been told by numerous Dom/me that (ive only had TWO for myself but am friends with numerous) They prefer a lil brattiness over none bc being a brat to a degree adds some flavor to the dynamic and keeps Them on their toes.. now idk what my Daddy @LordMaverickwould say, if He'd agree fully, (though im sure He would as ive never been punished over the top for being a brat) that its just like a vanilla relationship when you tease one another, its just adding a lil fun in the mix.. now dont take that as an excuse though to go out and be out right rude to a Dom/me bc well theres being a brat and being a bitch.. 

As stated above you hit this one on the head Copper, good shout 👍

A while ago now on the forum Leisa and I were trying to define the difference between how we view a brat within a D/s dynamic and someone who is just being a ***. They may also be misjudged how to be a brat to be fair.

We came up with these two.

1. A lifestyle Brat - as described so perfectly my Copper. Humorous, enjoyable, toes the line in the sand but would be quite likely to apologise if they stepped over it as most of all they are respectful to their Dominants. Not necessarily anyone else mind. 😏

2. Just a vanilla brat, not respectful, does not realise there is a line, they do not brat to entertain their dominants but to entertain them shelves.

As you can tell the lifestyle brats are a god send, they make you smile, and go out of their way to lighten their Dominants life in little ways. Personally I think lifestyle brats are an undervalued resource, they make a dominants life so much easier.

Naturally all in my humble opinion... Well kinda humble 😏
1 hour ago, Thebian said:
As stated above you hit this one on the head Copper, good shout 👍

A while ago now on the forum Leisa and I were trying to define the difference between how we view a brat within a D/s dynamic and someone who is just being a ***. They may also be misjudged how to be a brat to be fair.

We came up with these two.

1. A lifestyle Brat - as described so perfectly my Copper. Humorous, enjoyable, toes the line in the sand but would be quite likely to apologise if they stepped over it as most of all they are respectful to their Dominants. Not necessarily anyone else mind. 😏

2. Just a vanilla brat, not respectful, does not realise there is a line, they do not brat to entertain their dominants but to entertain them shelves.

As you can tell the lifestyle brats are a god send, they make you smile, and go out of their way to lighten their Dominants life in little ways. Personally I think lifestyle brats are an undervalued resource, they make a dominants life so much easier.

Naturally all in my humble opinion... Well kinda humble 😏

A 'lifestyle brat' would sooner toe the line than think that they've disappointed their D I think. Good call.


How far a brat will go when pushing buttons like a child does to discover where the boundaries are is dependant on the unique dynamic between her and her Daddy. My last little pushed and pushed, I let her because I wanted her to go too far so she would learn the lesson herself without the need for me to punish her or even point out the error of her ways. As her Daddy I was always in control because I was in control of myself. I was a single parent to two daughters so had experience of brats pushing boundaries! 

I think of all places we should not judge what is the correct brat behaviour in kink is as it is whatever works within the particular Dd/lg dynamic.

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