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I do think we are possibly underestimating the level of prejudice and bias 

It is very possible someone will lose interest after seeing someone's nationality - but - also - there are then those that see it as an attraction, which *can* also be bad.

I am lucky to have a diverse set of friends - but - honestly, some will open their mouth in a shop or something and someone will hear their accent and then be abusive about it.  Or if they answer their phone in public and it's from a parent so they speak in mother tongue.

I do not feel we should discount someone's experience.

I think it’s good when people express prejudices because then you know that isn’t someone you want to entertain expending any of your energy on. Everyone has some form of prejudice that they have been handed down to them.. bother with the people that are willing to be educated, and tell the ones that don’t like your birth soil to go kick rocks…
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