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Real Master or Bad Slave?

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I tried my first master and slave relationship. Every time we talked we always got into an argument. It was he was always right I was just making up excuses and shouldn’t talk. I felt down a lot bc he constantly told me I was nothing and useless except my holes. He said that since we were just doing training he didn’t need to know my limits. I couldn’t joke around with him without worrying he’d want to whip me and punish me. His punishments were never fun punishments they always hurt in the not good way and I like being whipped and spanked but to a limit. And it could be anything like slipping a curse word jokingly flipping him off after he did it jokingly first not going to bed at the time he set. He constantly accused me of cheating and when he was training me today I decided I couldn’t be a good enough slave for him. Especially when he’s training me to be his furniture. Ik everyone has their kinks but constant negativity makes my already broken self esteem worse. We were going to try to talk things out but then he asked when I could call and I said in a few hours I’m with family. He immediately called me a liar and said all I do is lie and that I’m cheating and playing with others. I feel kinda crazy and we’ve only started this thing 6 days ago. I’m not sure if I’m just a bad slave or not meant to be one. Help please??
Red flags everywhere. Leave immediately.
If it is not working for you, then leave. There has to be negotiation, and consent. The way he is treating you might work for some people, which is fine, but it's not working for you.
Hi you are not a bad slave at all he is a poor Dom as every dom should know his subs soft limits and hard limits as for the accusations thats not right either he should be prasing you and understand you have a normal life too i would evaluate this dynamic more as you should not be made to feel worthless and remind him that it is you that truly has the power in the dynamic and you choose to give it up to him hope this helps and if you need to chat more please feel free to message me.
Agree with HC, total red flags, leave immediately. It sounds like ***. Please be safe.
You need to leave this situation limits should always be there do you have a safe word? You are not a bad slave at all, it’s the master that is bad. Whether the Fet scene is right for you is a different thing but it sounds like you already know more than your master xx
As a master he myself he is not a master he is an ***r and you should leave him eventually you will find a good master with my sub/slave before we did anything we talked about what we both wanted out of the relationship then set hard limits and a safe word if she says the safe word we talk about why and if needed reset the limits as a master you have a duty of care and respect for your sub he has none. This is important remember it is the sub who controls the relationship as the master must respect their limits and their safe word if not the master is committing a criminal offence of abusing the slave as it is past their agreed acceptance leave him now he is not only a bad master he is a criminal the way he is treating you and unfortunately people like him give the rest of the fetish community a bad name and reputation

You do not need a "reason" to leave a relationship, (and I'd say 6 days is not yet a relationship, should be a getting to know each other stage, and he/you seem to be moving quite quickly into some intense stuff) that it's not working for you is enough. My Daddy always says "feedback is a gift" and if this master doesn't want to hear your input and limits that's definitely a red flag! Walk away and good luck in finding someone right for you

Leave straight away. After 6 day you should be growing confidence and trust. It sounds like he is nothing like a master or Dom. He is abusive. Leave you don’t need that kind of stuff.
He is not a master. He’s an insecure little twat who is taking advantage of you in every possible way. You can be a slave but a good master will make you feel like a Queen. I won’t lie, I’m kind of hoping he doesn’t know where you live. Be safe.
As others have said - he is no Master, he's an ***r and you have every right to end it now - everything he has said to you as relayed in your OP is full of crap and shows *he* not you has no understanding of what D/s should mean - walk, no run, away fast and do *not* look back
He said he can ignore your limits because you are in training??! This is exactly the opposite of training. He is using kink as an excuse to *** you. Leave immediately. This is dangerous. He will damage you.
Sorry but your master is not good in a master and sub role respect is key and shouldn't be taking that way you still have life as a sub as well so just get a new respecting one

Can I get an echo chamber in here please? It is NOT you. Well done for asking questions and seeking advice.

Listen to what others have said, and leave this gaslighting abusing f*** before... well I dread to think.

Get out of that relationship asap. Read up on what gaslighting is to help you get a sense of what this person is trying to do.

The fault is not yours and I feel you are in genuine danger of you stay in such a relationship.
At the risk of making a snap and distant assessment he sounds like a narcissist. It's time to leave and if he persists in contacting you it might be necessary to involve the authorities.
6 hours ago, Honey_Cunt said:
Red flags everywhere. Leave immediately.

This! This all day long! It doesn't sound like he has the faintest idea what he's doing or who he is as a person. Leave and don't look back!

Once again as many others have said this is nothing on you. He is an ***r hiding as a master. Your limits ALWAYS matter and the level of *** should be discussed beforehand and adjusted based on how you feel after experiencing it.
For example of you have self esteem issues (which is perfectly common and nothing to be ashamed of) then certain styles of degrading talk can be too much or any at all may be more than what you can handle ATM.
A real master would want to know these things and work within those boundaries so you both get enjoyment out of this.
That is the real defining line between fake and real Doms. The real ones want you both to enjoy it the fakes only care about their desires.
The fact you were able to tolerate this cu*t for 6 days makes me feel you will be an amazing slave to a lucky master one day.
Get away from this creep and give yourself some time to recover before looking once more. Best of luck :)
This ***s me to hear 😭 if you ever want to talk to a fellow sub about anything.. Warning signs, red flags, anything your unsure about or just about fun stuff what you like ect my inbox is always open for you ❤️
Wow... He is toxic AF =\ so many red flags from the get go. =( I hope you get far far away from him and his bullying ways.

Any Master who says your limits are not important, is not a master but an ***r. While I know a few couples that have no defined limits as such, they have been together for years and know their partners well,  what they like, what they do not like and would never disrespect them by trying to play in a way they did approve of.

As others have said, run, have nothing to do with this person.

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