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I'm 33 years old and I have been keeping these things to myself for a long time. It my not be a big deal to you y'all but to me it is. Being a black heterosexual Male, it pretty embarrassing. But I like The idea of being Pooped on by a women. 

I never told any of my partners expect my wife of any of my strange ways. My wife is more open then any women I have ever been with so I pressed the issue about wanting to be pee'd on. She was ify and questioned me. After I gave my WHY she was all game!! But now I want her to Take it to the next level and Poop on me. I mean I got it bad Y'all..I Imagine her taking big craps in my hair, on my face on my chest even on my dick. But we talked about it and Hard play is a hard pass for her. But she BBW and the thought of her hole spreading open then pushing that load poop on me make me want to cum. I've even thought about just asking her to eat her Favorite dairy and then just shitting in my bad but I don't know. 

If anyone has any help for me. Holla back


If you're not sure it'll be received well initially then maybe try coming at it from a different angle, for example to have to suffer it rather than to want it.
I am Asian, so there is nothing to be ashamed. I agree with Bonnie looking at it from a different angle. I understand your desires, but do you really need it?. It sounds like this is one of her boundaries. You already have a good thing with your wife. If you push it, you might jeopardize it. If this is driving you crazy... BEG, I mean BEG for a one time. Sorry! If she still says no, then it is a no. It is about her boundaries, and do you really need this. Seriously, it sounds like you have wonderful wife!
Do you actually like the smell of poo? Is this something which turns you on? Have you tried smearing your own poo on yourself in the bathroom? If not then try this first. It’s one thing to be aroused by the notion of your partner dominating you in various forms of play, but the physicality of the act has far more facets to consider than your simplified romanticized version. Consider this: does she like the smell of poo? Ask her. If not, then drop the fantasy because she can’t poo on you and have it smelling like roses.

if it's a no from her this might be about the end of where you can take that kinda exploration with her

you could, however, reopen the conversation to say "if you won't do it - can I have your consent to do it with someone else?" - if you do and it's a yes, chances are you'll be best of finding a pro to paying-the-someone-else but otherwise you might have to accept and leave this as being something that isn't going to happen 

If he finds a pro to fix it then you can be sure he’s going to be eating it at the end of the day. Ass to mouth is the best way to do it without that stench filling the room.
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