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First Toys


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So still new and have no toys so what would be the first thing I should buy?


the answer to that lies in what you want to explore first?

it's no good me suggesting a flogger if you're more interested in rope bondage - for example

though you can get some basic/beginners kits with a few sample toys in

I would auggest that what excites you the most in the lifestyle. But a small plug is always a good start.
A small flogger something colorful is always fun
Depends on solo or as a couple? do u like penetrative sex or clit stimulation you have narrow down your preferences in order to find one u like couples toys a vibrator your partner can control is a good start or if your on your own then a vibrator would be a good start also
Whatever you can afford they ain’t cheap and where you’re located you’re probably gonna have to mail order because I don’t recall ever seeing anywhere to buy them when I was out last lol the door of truck Missoula on it…W❤️💛S
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