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lol Zeus, notice how the German side always works though ha ha ha
I hadn't looked that far down. Practices my German. Wie gehts. LOL.
tried on phone too just in case but no joy there either
no still can't get it on either phone or computer
Here are a lis of updated hints to save you going back through the whole lot. Number 1 I am Dom not sub but I do change the lights using this. Number 2. is it safe? Is it sane? Will you allow it? I want my subs to feel that it is all 3. Number 3. I do try and make my female subs enjoy our play and with more than one of them, I've succeeded, even to having to clean the seat of my car after one of them. Number 4. It is lucky that I do have an event that I like to publicise on here. Is there one that you'd like to add. BTW my event was approved. Number 5. It's what you put a collar and lead on. Or sometimes a little bell. Of course you maybe barking up the wrong tree, or is it your pussy that needs feeding. Those three little letters are well MET, that is if you have a ??? Number 6. Photography is an interest of mine. Especially if I can change the model's outfits and pose her. Maybe there is someone who'd like me to photograph them and then they can put the photos here. Number 7. It doesn't matter if you're AC or DC, the effects of using it are exactly the same. Number 8. In the beginning People searched for food but they found a BDSM Archetype.
I've looked at the code for 1, 5 and 8 and all looks okay except the jpegs are 18_1_1 18_5_1 but 8 is 18_8_2 but if LilM has got hers to work it's obviously something else
The only thing I have noticed is the URL of the page. It's the only one with -%28 and %29 in it
Not able to load mine up either . Just tried and nothing
so still no joy this morning found it but can't load it
@morris159 @subm0nKay @Zeus2512 It's fixed, so please try again!
Here's the hint for Archetype number 8: If you've got this far in the hunt, you may identify with a certain archetype. It just so happens that the next role to find is hidden there.
thank you for it now but they've changed the archetypes name
Posted (edited)

#8  easily gathered


................stalked, searched and pounced upon.  :o

Edited by callipygian
lol so the new clue for #8 is now just Forager.
Morning all. So I was right about the parentheses then. TY Serena. It works.

This one has me totally confused. Anyone help me please?

Just like how there are Subs and Doms, there is the Hunted and the.......?
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