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I have been dying a little every day for I don't know how long. How much is left of me? I don't know.

I spend my days feeling; abandoned, mad, sad, flustered, invisible, unwanted, and lonely. Constant endless like there will be anyone who will take it all away.

I'm always kept in the shadows..... forever hidden. Like there is not enough left of me, Nothing good enough to see the light of day.

Not enough of me for anyone to sick around for..... I'm just not enough. Never enough. I have nothing to truly offer anyone.

Always and forever
In the shadows.
I feel this unrelenting sadness inside me that had always been there. The older i get the more it gets worse. I don't know how to make it go away. I don't want to feel empty anymore. But I must face the facts that I may remain alone and empty inside.
Knowing in the back of my mind I will some how always be a disappointment in one way or another, the *** of never being good enough.

Sometimes I fake my smiles and laughter, so people Don t ask me what's wrong. I don't want to bother them with my silly problems.
I feel I'm suffocating all the time between my head and whatever is left of my dad pathetic little heart.

I shall live the rest of my life with fake smiles to cover up this emptiness I have always felt.
Just message if you wanna talk? I'm an open ear
Whiteshark87, what an amazingly brave and honest post. I hope that the responses you receive here like that of Uibec provide you with the confidence to build on this initial step, to reach out to someone you feel you can trust to talk about your feelings. That that person can validate how you feel, that you no longer feel the need to hide behind a smile.
4 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:
Whiteshark87, what an amazingly brave and honest post. I hope that the responses you receive here like that of Uibec provide you with the confidence to build on this initial step, to reach out to someone you feel you can trust to talk about your feelings. That that person can validate how you feel, that you no longer feel the need to hide behind a smile.

I honestly know how it feels to be that way! It hurts a lot (I am 21) I know I’m young but it hurts when everybody ignores you, or talks to you to get to your brother among other things

Idk wat ur going thru but listen if U ever need to talk hmu U are good enough always remember that
I'm terrible at putting things into text but my heart bleeds for you right now.
My little *** went through a similar period and I've known a few people who've hit their lowest points.
I'll reach out later, lets chat.
If you don't feel like you have the energy to reply, don't worry, take your time.
I'll try and recommend some more positive/uplifting media later as well, it's a nice easy way to get some positive energy in our lives when we're feeling out of steam.
That really hit home, made me sad reading it, was there once still have a foot in the door so to speak sometimes.
Would it be okay for me to help you with that?
I think a lot of us have been here. You are enough friend. I know this just from the *** I see you express. You have so much to give. But you must give it to yourself first and foremost. I've been to the abyss and back and there is beauty in you you just can't see yet. But keep pushing through the dark and youll find things on the other side that are beyond what you can possibly imagine. Then you'll know the reason why you felt this way. Because it had to happen for you to find the treasure inside yourself. I appreciate you and you are not alone!!
1 hour ago, AndiBoi said:
I think a lot of us have been here. You are enough friend. I know this just from the *** I see you express. You have so much to give. But you must give it to yourself first and foremost. I've been to the abyss and back and there is beauty in you you just can't see yet. But keep pushing through the dark and youll find things on the other side that are beyond what you can possibly imagine. Then you'll know the reason why you felt this way. Because it had to happen for you to find the treasure inside yourself. I appreciate you and you are not alone!!

This right here.
You are a beautiful woman. Find it in yourself to love yourself for who you are. You are enough.

Thank you for all the nice things that have been said. I wrote this a few years ago.

This made me feel really sad too, always reach out and people are there to listen, including me. Are you in a better place now? 

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