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Should I deny or embrace?

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To put it simply all my life I have been attracted to thicker or BBW type women and my family have always asked me why am I attracted to those types of women when I could get someone smaller. Should I feel bad for feeling the way I feel or embrace it?

I feel a bit; wow here

but, you are attracted to who you are attracted to and larger/bbw/etc women are of no lower "value" than anyone else.  It's not like you "could" get someone slim and beautiful but you'd rather someone lesser... that... you should embrace, but hold those in higher regard. 

Embrace it! They don't have to like who you're with, if they don't support you then stuff 'em!
Embrace who you are, and what you like. Doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else.
How is this a question? You like what you like. No one is better than others because of their body shape/size/looks. I would hope that no one would comment that you should feel 'bad' because of the type of women you're attracted to. Any comments in that strain would be body shaming

I say embrace it. Most people are attracted to specifics. This isn't any different. Just because it's not THEIR specific doesn't mean you should feel bad about it. You like what you like

Never deny what makes you happy. Else one day when you are old and decrepit, you will realise that bowing to others may have cost you a lot of happiness in your life.
Definitely embrace it we like who we like and that's all there is to it. If you don't you're not gonna be truly happy and like eyem says no one is lesser we are all equal good luck
You should never feel bad for feeling the way you feel, or for the type of person you desire to feel 🤭
Never feel bad for liking what you like. As long as nobody is getting hurt then love what you love and fuck who you fuck. If someone’s has a problem with your sexual life style then you have to love kicking them the fuck out your life.
I get having judgmental family. It sucks. Placing value on people by looks is terrible and they should be made self aware of such habit for their own betterment.
It’s all about doing what makes you happy at the end of the day. Family can have your best interests at heart but you know where your heart lies and that’s the direction I feel you should move in. 💯
Marry who you love and you’ll never have to cheat. My experience in this lifestyle is married men who chose according to familial pressure and don’t want to leave bc their wife is nice, or the child support or alimony would be too much, etc etc. but they all want to step out on her with someone like me. (BBW and into BDSM).

It’s really very hurtful to people like me to be approached by married man after married man after married man, all with the same story. But if they had just married according to their desires, the could avoid hurting two women.

Embrace it, it's how you naturally feel it makes you happy and it obviously feels natural to yourself.  You will always regret not doing the things that make you happy in life to conform to someone else's view of how your life should be.

Apparently no one in your family has ever been with a big woman or they wouldn’t have to ask why 🥰🥵😂
1 hour ago, Darkwolf513 said:

To put it simply all my life I have been attracted to thicker or BBW type women and my family have always asked me why am I attracted to those types of women when I could get someone smaller. Should I feel bad for feeling the way I feel or embrace it?

Wow this reads like there's something wrong with being a curvier/thicker woman from your families perspective. How negative. 

I say you like who you like sod anyone else and embrace it. It's no one else's business but yours is it.

Edited by Vic1077
“Those who matter, don’t mind and those who mind, don’t matter.” Live for yourself not for others approval.
You go for what YOU are attracted to and not listen to what other people say. Embrace it!
The heart wants what the heart wants. Don’t let their ideals run your life. Absolutely take no shame.
Embrace it, you like what you like. You can’t make everyone happy just worry about what makes you happy
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