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Overly Filtered Faces.


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So this might be a bit of a contentious issue but I wonder your thoughts on profiles with overly filtered faces are used.
Whilst I understand caution and discretion and even a little shyness.
Are overly filter faces false advertising and deceptive from the offset ?
And how’s best to react when the user finally displays a filter free photo and there’s no attraction, should one feel bad for rejecting or should those using the filters expect such a rebuttal?
Some people do have jobs where being exposed could have serious consequences
I mean a couple filters and some non filtered is fine, but if all you ever have or show me is filtered I will be “pressing x” for doubt.

Own who you are, what you stand for, how you act.
I get filters for safety or privacy. But if you filter to be cute it doesn’t work.
It suck’s cause most of those with filters or no profile are just fake profiles. It’s annoying honestly
Some people do have jobs where being exposed could have serious consequences

If the consequences are that serious then they should not have a public profile… period and end of story.
You're trying to get kicked out from here?! Lol I agree with you though.
8 minutes ago, Sarah_Jane999 said:
Some people do have jobs where being exposed could have serious consequences

Yes, I appreciate that. That’s why I mentioned discretion & caution


I mean it’s difficult to define “overly”, or should I say, when one crosses into that territory, but I get what you’re saying.

Like @Dragon-Dom-said having a blend is good I think.

That being said I’ve seen plenty of unfiltered and unedited photos on here to the point where some of them are just bad photos quality wise - just too blurry and waaay too pixelated to make much of the face.

Imho if one wants to be discrete than they can just post parts of their facial features lips, jawline, etc.

And no, you shouldn’t feel bad for rejecting someone that had mislead you from the start. That’s on them.

It's definitely false advertising. If you don't look like that in real life then it shouldn't be used. People will give excuses on why they post it, so it is what it is.
If it's a matter of discretion then don't even out face pictures up. Quite frankly though I'm not even a fan of make up (deceptive) so filters garner the same level of annoyance from me.
Overly filtered anything is simply a yellow flag. As the person seeing these filters, it’s up to you whether or not they are flags.

Those that use filters will learn different lessons. And it isn’t up to us to care if they understand the rebuttal or not.

If I kindly decide not to pursue someone, that’s my business. And if the person get upset that I don’t pursue, that’s their business.

It’s the internet, so I am very skeptical and go in with the thought that I am meeting someone’s online persona and what they are in real life will probably be much different.

@Sarah_Jane999 I think there is a difference between every picture having a filter, cat ears, hearts in face etc and not showing their face. I have no problem with no face pics for that reason as long as they are willing to give a face picture by the time we are looking to meet in person. But all filtered instagram pics is a bit of a red flag to me.

If people are genuinely hiding their identity with fetish masks or censored faces I don’t mind (as long as a picture exchange is possible after a chat before a potential meet) but if you’re using Snapchat /Instagram filters that give you the cartoon eyes, cat ears, anything like this that doesn’t really hide who you are I’m not interested.

If it’s the filters that heavily change your look I’m not interested either - It’s cliche but I’m more about vibing with someone rather than going on looks, couldn’t care less what you looked like if there’s a good vibe but if you turn out to look different from your photos for me it’s an instant red flag 🚩 but that’s just my personal opinion!
Okay.. I’m not asking “why” I’m asking should the ownership be on the filter user?.. knowing they look nothing like their profile. And should they expect the “thanks, but no thanks”
15 minutes ago, Dom985 said:
It suck’s cause most of those with filters or no profile are just fake profiles. It’s annoying honestly

Says some one who hides their face. Does that make your profile fake? What have you got to lose showing it?

They shouldn’t expect a “thanks but no thanks”. They should expect to be ignored at large and be pleasantly surprised when someone takes interest. Again, ownership begins with own. They OWN their actions or inactions. Therefore they pretty much OWN their experience in doing so.
8 minutes ago, I-Am-Dolan said:
If people are genuinely hiding their identity with fetish masks or censored faces I don’t mind (as long as a picture exchange is possible after a chat before a potential meet) but if you’re using Snapchat /Instagram filters that give you the cartoon eyes, cat ears, anything like this that doesn’t really hide who you are I’m not interested.

If it’s the filters that heavily change your look I’m not interested either - It’s cliche but I’m more about vibing with someone rather than going on looks, couldn’t care less what you looked like if there’s a good vibe but if you turn out to look different from your photos for me it’s an instant red flag 🚩 but that’s just my personal opinion!

My thoughts exactly. Its anout the vibe between two people rather than the picture.

10 minutes ago, I-Am-Dolan said:

If people are genuinely hiding their identity with fetish masks or censored faces I don’t mind (as long as a picture exchange is possible after a chat before a potential meet) but if you’re using Snapchat /Instagram filters that give you the cartoon eyes, cat ears, anything like this that doesn’t really hide who you are I’m not interested.

If it’s the filters that heavily change your look I’m not interested either - It’s cliche but I’m more about vibing with someone rather than going on looks, couldn’t care less what you looked like if there’s a good vibe but if you turn out to look different from your photos for me it’s an instant red flag 🚩 but that’s just my personal opinion!

Well said, completely agree with this..

Yeah for me looks are not a big thing, connection, communication, are we clicking the three C’s for me are it. I have dated and been with all body types from skinny to obese, young to old, etc. Meet gorgeous women I didn’t click with and who wasn’t worth my time and I have put a ton of effort into any women I meet who I feel I have a great connection even if their physical appearance wasn’t what I consider my ideal version of my future partner because I felt like I could be myself and open up to them. That’s a lot more attractive to me then some fake digital filter photo.

I know I am getting old, but my pictures are what I am and I don’t use any filters and don’t spend more then a few minutes at most getting a photo. What’s the point if I hide the scar under my eye from wearing thick glasses as a child or the fact I have wrinkles they are going to find the real me eventually. Showcase who you are, what you bring and those who find that important and worthy of attention will give it to you.

I know it’s hard, I use to weight 400lbs. but if your not happy with yourself the. That should be worked on because that will shine through more then any picture will.
Filters: excessive Make-up - what is the difference? In my opinion, a connection is not based on looks anyway. Each to their own.

everyone has their own boundary here

I think it's not really false cos you know they are filtered

but if you see someone with a filter and just don't wish to engage - that is a perfectly acceptable reason to hit 'no thanks'

for me, I'm in different.  Though, I think I do find some of the filters a little childish and excessive use of them beyond usual daft fun, I get concerns on their maturity.

16 minutes ago, TheBookCollector said:

Says some one who hides their face. Does that make your profile fake? What have you got to lose showing it?

Yes, because job issue that it can cause. At least I use an image though. Some are just the avatar pic it generates for them lol

19 minutes ago, Gregster said:
Filters: excessive Make-up - what is the difference? In my opinion, a connection is not based on looks anyway. Each to their own.

I didn’t mention make up Gregster, apples & oranges, but okay.

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