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Role reversal


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I’ve been dating a girl who’s dominant and likes me being a beta. Our relationship started as a heterosexual one, but within the second month she told me she actually wished she had a 🍆 and really only liked to have sex where she was the top. Since then that’s the only way we’re intimate and we’ve totally switched roles. I’m curious to know how common this is?

Does she feel anything in regard to gender issues or body mods?
Wanting a 🍆 for herself and how shes living her life, or is it a fantasy role play thing?
Has she communicated more about what she actually means by any of this?
Perhaps if she does or has, it can help you do some research and possibly alter any roles in bedroom or if gender related you can be there to listen and support her


Are you sexually fulfilled in the ways you two are now being involved? Remember you don’t have to and you shouldn’t do anything you are not comfortable with, unless you two have talked about it and then do it within the boundaries of what you discussed. Two months is still a new coupling. People change all the time. It’s just a normal part of life. Most likely she is still experimenting with what she likes. Make sure you two sit down and completely talk about what both of you want and about the new changes. Make sure at the end you are both comfortable with your new situation.
This is not on topic, but guessing there is ALOT of men wishing what you have.

She is very much masculine, and dominant outside of the bedroom as well and it’s definitely not a fantasy or role play thing. She has spoken about still wanting to look like a woman, but have a 🍆 and still only wanting to be the alpha top. To be honest it works for our relationship in many ways, and I’m not complaining. I just want to understand it more 😊
I thought she was already pegging them. From their profile they look like a possible switch, if so that's going to be interesting.
Does this only happen in Bed ? Or in other aspects of daily life ? If it's the latter, ask yourself if this is what you want in a relationship! Do you want to completely switch roles with her ? Or only because SHE wanted you to. Always seek pleasure starting from yourself first, only then you may reflect it on others.
Do they want to peg you, do they have a fantasy, maybe they’re nonbinary or trans?
Posted (edited)

Dominance does not usually mean pegging. It's like saying "All feet loving men like licking them".

Edited by Deleted Member
Sometimes relationships go through different periods as we grow. She may want it this way and in a year you may want it that way. It’s more about communication and give and take. Making it work. Obviously consent is key. Sexuality tends to be a fluid. We are always growing and changing.
On 11/30/2022 at 2:02 AM, vancouver702 said:

I’ve been dating a girl who’s dominant and likes me being a beta. Our relationship started as a heterosexual one, but within the second month she told me she actually wished she had a 🍆 and really only liked to have sex where she was the top. Since then that’s the only way we’re intimate and we’ve totally switched roles. I’m curious to know how common this is?

Slightly off topic also. but does she know you are on here? on fetish.com? 

I did peep your profile and its relatively new, and your status claims to be "single". 

This somewhat leads me to believe, you havent told her youre on here looking for advice? or that shes not one here too? or that perhaps there is to be more communication about things.


On 11/30/2022 at 10:20 AM, vancouver702 said:


She is very much masculine, and dominant outside of the bedroom as well and it’s definitely not a fantasy or role play thing. She has spoken about still wanting to look like a woman, but have a 🍆 and still only wanting to be the alpha top. To be honest it works for our relationship in many ways, and I’m not complaining. I just want to understand it more 😊

So she takes on a dominant role in life and in the bedroom also. Perhaps there is more to play here than just a kink or roleplay thing and she maybe have that deep down desire to have a penis, be more masculine and so on. only you guys would know that via discussions. 


I am NB. I also have body and gender struggles. I dont feel feminine. and if i do, i compare myself to others a lot of the time which drives me mad. Cus i know i am making myself unhappy. I am also someone who wants to be feminine but with the masculine quality of a penis. But for me, its unrealistic il ever achieve that. I am very torn on it and falling in with that, falls my questioning of my sexuality. 

I like men, i love men, but its also a main attraction to d**ks lol. but i dont know if this is a "straight" person thing, or because of my desire to have one of my own. I find it very hard dating women though. I am very feminine to people (even if unhappy with my body and viewing myself as feminine) but women local would run a mile if they heard or seen i wanted to change or have male bits. It would put men off where i am too. So im sort of stuck in this limbo of being in control of things, and guarding myself very tightly, being in a muddle with how i am and how i want to be, while being dominant in my every day life. I feel like a bloke on the inside. It can get very confusing. but perhaps speak with her and see to what extent shes feeling these things. See if she can open up? it may be nothing, it may be something. but definately talk about it, and if you are both happy with the relationship you are in then plod on but do check ins now and then on boundaries and feelings on the relationship and life, it may help you become better connected.

I don’t know exactly how common it is.. but it is hot!!

I love the role reversal! My first and only experience was with a Thai Ladyboy, but, it was closer to r*pe than love…

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The exact same thing happened to me 😇
  • 3 months later...
November 29, 2022, kiseu said:
This is not on topic, but guessing there is ALOT of men wishing what you have.

That's actually true

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