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So I’m in a small village in the New Forest, buying groceries. Mainly liquids. That’s amusing. It makes me smile on the inside as I browse. It’s a funny little place, not much there… a co-op, a butchers, some craft shops, two pubs, but there’s a health food type wholesaler too, which is good. It makes me focus. I need to make sure you’re in good condition, so hell… let’s go organic! Juices are good, so I get a couple of cartons and then spy ‘carrot and ginger’ in a glass bottle for a ridiculous price. Well, you’re worth it. And you hate carrot juice. Even better, since when I pour it down the funnel in your mouth you won’t exactly be arguing. Not coherently anyway. Its colour reminds me of piss. But you’ve had that already.


I shouldn’t say this, but browsing in there, nodding to other people who probably assume I’m as eco-friendly as they are, makes me feel… superior. It just does. I don’t mean in comparison to them. It’s just the basic fact that I know something they don’t. I’m holding my secret knowledge close, and it feels good. I’m parked in the small car park by their red-brick library, which doubles as the town hall and the cinema too on occasion, I bet. I’ve had a few compliments on the VW camper, which is nice, especially as it’s a beaten up old thing really. It has a look though. It suggests ‘rough and ready’, a sense of adventure, easy living – that kind of thing. A faded red with a few dents, you know? The odd rust patch here and there over the wheel arches. It’s a vehicle that has stubble!


Here’s the funny bit - no-one, not one single person has any idea you’re  inside. I’m here in this shop, nodding to tree-huggers, and you’re naked, bruised and fucked, tied up on the double bed in the back. All the curtains are drawn, of course. I don’t want a parking ticket let alone a jail sentence.


I’m wondering if you’re enjoying our little break. I think you are. It’s just not what you were expecting, that’s all. But I know you. The deeper part of you, the part that’s not aching, with one eye swollen and a ***y lower lip where I hit you, the girl that’s deep inside you, the one I get to, the one that lets me do what the hell I want, she’s getting off on it. You love CNC as much as I do.

I didn’t give you time to prepare for this little trip. Actually I didn’t tell you a thing. There you were, yesterday, when I got home, ready for whatever the evening might bring, some chat about the day, a meal, some TV possibly, time to chill together and then… bed. Well, we had the first bit didn’t we, Princess. A glass of vodka each. Yours with orange, and mine neat with ice – the vanilla one I’m partial to sometimes. Then, after I asked you for a refill and you got up so gracefully to obey me, it was the work of a moment to come at you from behind, to grab your hair and pull you to the front door. You struggled like I thought you would. Just because I’ve done it before doesn’t lessen the *** when my fist is wound around your long blonde hair, or your immediate flood of questions – the ones you never utter - even though I know you’re wondering where the hell this will go.


‘Not a sound’ I whispered in your ear, as I pulled you outside into the chill night air, and straight into the camper. You were hardly dressed for it either. Just jeans, and your boots and a blouse and that little jacket you like to wear. Casual, but you always look good to me. I know the body that’s underneath. Your small breasts and shaved cunt always ready to be taken whenever I choose.


So we’re in the vehicle, and I let you go. You’re silent but sullen. It’s dark inside, and not exactly warm. I’ve ripped you from the safe comfort of the house to the simplistic chill of an old VW, and you’re not happy.


‘I’m going to enjoy this’ I smile at you, though you can’t see my face. And that’s when I hit you. It’s no good pulling punches or going too easy. All or nothing, right Princess? So I beat you. I punch you wherever I can see you. Your face, your stomach, your cunt, your breasts. It’s silent except for your gasps, and my breathing as I concentrate on what I’m doing to you.


In the end, inevitably, you’re lying on the bed. On your back. And that’s when I cut your jeans off you, rip your little thong aside and fuck you, with one hand around your throat. You’re wet. I knew you would be. You’re beautifully fucked up. And I’m so turned on by you underneath me, struggling for breath, your hips thrusting to hold onto my cock, to keep me as deep as you can inside you. In the moments I let you breathe, you take in great gasps of air, and just before you cum, you say ‘don’t stop’. Good girl. And it’s intense for you. I like that. I feel my control of you soaring. I’m forty feet tall, and you’re a rag doll.


So that was yesterday. Afterwards, I got out, went back into the house and turned off the lights, the power, got back in the camper and climbed into bed with you. We slept together, at the end of the driveway.


Today has been fun so far. I woke before you and tied you to the bed. You were sleepy and aching and didn’t struggle much. I think you knew there was no point. Your heart wasn’t in your struggling, really. That’s when I noticed your swollen eye, and your split lip. Driving south west didn’t take too long, and it’s been nice seeing the scenery as I drove, knowing you were in the back. Mine. Very much mine.


Obviously, I couldn’t let you out, and I know you wouldn’t have wanted to leave, not looking like you do. All messed up, fucked, and bruised. You like your make-up. Besides you’ve no clothes, other than the remnants of what I cut up last night.


So here we are. At the end of the day. Early evening, and the sounds of the forest around us. It’s even romantic, the sky a blazing pink as the sun starts to edge towards the horizon. Should be a nice day for the drive home tomorrow then. You’re probably hungry. You’ve had nothing all day, other than liquids. Hence the shopping trip. A little miscalculation on my part there. Didn’t pack enough in advance. But you’ve had liquids, sure. Tied up in the back, I’ve used your mouth every time I needed a piss. Your face after the first time was a picture.


We’re parked up for the night now. Off the road, hidden amongst the trees. No-one will bother us. It’s off-season anyway. I climb out and stretch my legs before walking round and opening the side door.


From outside I look at you for a moment. My Princess. I can’t wait to fuck you. I get into the vehicle and sit on the bed next to you. You turn your head and look at me. Your hair is matted and your arms are raised above you as you lie there, restrained. Mine.


You don’t say anything. You quite often don’t. I guess you know by now that there’s little point. I mean, what would you say? Hardly appropriate to ask ‘what are you going to do?’ I never quite know myself, in the moment. I have to tune in to both my own feelings, and to you. To where you’re at, what you’re capable of taking, how much further I can push you. It would be a redundant question, and ruin the moment. So… you don’t say anything, you don’t ask silly questions. No, you just show me that you’re scared of me, and your eyes are filled with un-spilt tears. That’s so fucking sexy. You’re just waiting for my decision. Good girl.


I smile at you. Anyone watching would say it was a ‘fond’ smile. At least, I hope they would. It’s supposed to be. So, I smile at you ‘fondly’, as I draw my arm back...letting it hover as I wonder where to punch you this time, and giving you a moment to wonder the same thing. It’s all in the mind isn’t it! This thing that we do.


Hell yeah!

That was a thriller story. Wow you have a way with words and how you use them exactly in the right moment. Amazing read I very much enjoyed the story. It had me sitting on the edge of my seat right more please
6 hours ago, Mistresskimber469ing said:

That was a thriller story. Wow you have a way with words and how you use them exactly in the right moment. Amazing read I very much enjoyed the story. It had me sitting on the edge of my seat right more please

Thank you for saying so. Always feels like a reward 😎

6 minutes ago, DomDaddyDom said:

Thank you for saying so. Always feels like a reward 😎

I’ve been reading your material and you are a good writer. Keep up the good work keep the sitting on the edge of our seats, wondering what the next job is going to bring

1 minute ago, Mistresskimber469ing said:

I’ve been reading your material and you are a good writer. Keep up the good work keep the sitting on the edge of our seats, wondering what the next job is going to bring

What’s the next story is going to bring?

16 minutes ago, Mistresskimber469ing said:

What’s the next story is going to bring?

Next one is up - 'Pliable' ...  Emotional Sadism and masochism...

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