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Was wondering if we could share what sort of books we like an authors we like. I'm always looking for recommendations on new books.

I don't just mean books on kink.

There are a few people I chat to in the lobby about books. But I know there are people who just ues the forum.


Also what are peoples views on paper books, e books an audiobooks. I tend to listen to audio books while I'm falling asleep or master an I are having cuddle time. 


The authors I like in no order are


James Patterson 

Linda Laplant

Martina Cole

Janet Evanovich 

Charlaine Harris 

J. K Rowling

John Conroe 

Kevin Hearne.


I love paper books because I can annotate and doodle on the pages! And I like non-fiction books! I’m reading Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn right now and it’s very informative! But I also really like any books about insects, crystals and space ☺️

Currently reading Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak.

Always actual books for me - have tried Kindles and the like and it just didn't feel right and audiobooks I think I'd miss bits.
Read a variety of stuff, by various authors but mostly crime fiction, thrillers, war/military stories and autobiographies - used to have a number of "favourite" authors (Patricia Cornwell, James Patterson (before he went co-author), Grisham and more) but these days the only author who I will buy anything he writes is Peter James
Basically if something catches my eye on the bookshelf and the blurb on the back appeals I'll buy it.
Currently reading A Fatal Crossing by Tom Hindle a *** mystery set on a cruise liner in 1924 - is OK without being gripping

I love books and reading in general.......real books and my kindle 😌 

I've always loved reading ever since I was a kid my mum would always say you'd rather be reading then out with your friends lol always had a book glued to my hands and was always in the local library. My love and passion for books has grown even more and now I'm a reviewer for ARCS ( which stands for Advanced readers copy's ) so I get to pick and choose which books to review before they get released to the public and my reviews can be found on Amazon, Goodreads and Bookbub. 


I've read over a 1000 books and I'm still not done yet lol. I have my fav genres which are BDSM/erotica lead fiction, horror or crime novels. Fav authors include....

Natalie Bennett 

MJ Aldridge

James Patterson

Eva Winners 

Kailee Reese Samuels (who is a close friend and actually introduced me to this site)

Suzanne Collins

Stephanie Meyer 

plus many many others

The list is endless lol 

To feel the pages between my fingers, and the smell of ink…
Dean Koontz
Michael Xavier (poetry)
Shel Silverstein
V.C. Andrews (as a ***)
James Patterson

There are a plethora of beautiful authors, depending on my mood, those are just a few.

Steven Erikson, Glenn Cook, David Gemmell, R.A. Salvatore, Simon R. Green, Paul S Kemp, Richard Lee Byers, Jim Butcher,  Stephen Blackmoore, Michael Moorecock, Dan Willis, David Eddings

All Fantasy authors. 

I read paper books and ebooks and listen to audiobooks all three, depending on what else I’m doing. Some of my current fiction favorites are Jim Butcher, James Islington, Jenn Lyons, Ben Wolf and Kresley Cole.
Jodi Picoult (sp?) Is someone Ive enjoyed reading, especially her earlier books. The Tenth Circle, Perfect Match, The Pact etc. They're all based on ethical dilemmas, values and morals based on each characters experience of the situation and get you questioning your own value base

Donna Tartt

Ayn Rand

John Updike

Frank Herbert 

Em Brown, Rebecca Grace Allen, Juliana Haygert,

What genres do people read the most


I live reading books there's just something about holding and opening book. The smell , tactility if the paper, the artwork on the cover.

My favourite genre is


Favourite authors 

Terry pratchet

Terry goodkind 

Terry Brooks

J R R Tolkien 

Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman



Sci Fi

Nonfiction (biography, or history)

I’m a fan of limiting-beliefs-desconstruction books, like
I Need Your Love—Is That True?
Loving What Is
By Byron Katie. I’ve recommended both to all of my friends and used the lessons inside to challenge them on their limiting beliefs as well as me on my own.
  • 2 weeks later...

Paper books generally. I struggle to engage with e books. 

Im reading Philip K Dicks 'Man in the High Castle' and a play by Chekhov called 'The Seagull' for a group I go to. Really enjoying both. 




Willow75 If those are your favourite authors you should checkout Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series.

Ignore the Amazon TV adaptation...if you read the books you get angry at the show and how they messed with the story he wrote.

I like paper books but I've gotten used to Kindle. It's so much more convenient for travel and takes up less space in my house.


I'm a big fan of fantasy and sci-fi, as well as speculative fiction. My favorite authors are Lois McMaster Bujold, Brandon Sanderson, and Philip K. Dick, but I tend to read random books from random authors. Growing up, my favorite series by far was Animorphs.

  • 8 months later...
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Spanish Gothic with Early 1900 Barcelona, S*** as historical background. He tells the one story from the perspective of 5 different very unique characters.

Good authors I've read are.

Terry goodkind

Terry pratchet 

Terry Brooks

Bill bryony

Steve hicks


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