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Women with pierced nipples… hot or not… I’m seriously considering getting it done today!!
I find them hot, and once you get used to them, there's all sorts of hoops and chains that that can be used to solve things up
got mine done couple months ago and it’s definitely worth it 🤗
Personally I think they’re really beautiful, not over the top nothing big just a little cute addition and sure you’ll have a line up to have them adored ☺️
Piercings are hella rewarding once they're done and healed. I hear that the first nip is a breeze, but that second nip can hurt like a mf. Best of luck!!
I had mine done 3 times over the years. They rejected every time for various reasons. Mostly trauma. I have considered doing vertical instead of across. I do miss mine. I loved them. Go for it. I also did both of mine at once instead doing one then going back and doing the other.
Do it, I have mine and I love them. The second hurts more than the first because you know the *** at that point.
its sexy beyond belief. it gives me something to use my tongue on.
I have both mine done, got them both done in the same session. Takes your breath away, and then you look at them and forget any *** there might of been. I actually got them done because my ex Dom liked them, probably wouldn't have otherwise, even though I always liked them. Just make sure you do the after care as instructed by the piercer.
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