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one of the best ways i personally found to do this was build-a-bear dates now i will say they can get expensive sometimes depending on whats picked out but they work extremely well and the smile they generated always made up for whatever *** i spent that day
Picnics are the best option imho
Maybe go to a play park in the evening where you can be pushed on a swing etc etc
Play some miniature golf
I don't mean this in the negative way it sounds. But why is the little asking what the Daddy should do. Shouldn't it be Daddy's responsibility to find the answer for himself and his little? Sounds very lazy and if he needed help he should be asking. This sounds so wrong.
1 hour ago, pat_kat2020 said:

I don't mean this in the negative way it sounds. But why is the little asking what the Daddy should do. Shouldn't it be Daddy's responsibility to find the answer for himself and his little? Sounds very lazy and if he needed help he should be asking. This sounds so wrong.

Because this is an inclusive community and it’s right that everyone should educate themselves regardless of which side of the slash they are on. Why shouldn’t the OP ask the question? In addition, she might have been tasked with finding out for him whilst he’s at work or whatever. Or she could simply be researching for both of them. Accusing someone of being lazy really isn’t on when you don’t have the full facts!


2 hours ago, pat_kat2020 said:
I don't mean this in the negative way it sounds. But why is the little asking what the Daddy should do. Shouldn't it be Daddy's responsibility to find the answer for himself and his little? Sounds very lazy and if he needed help he should be asking. This sounds so wrong.

We both use this app same account so we could use the message board

give him small hints at stuff but tell him and assure him that he's in control. it can be small thinks like "what would you like me to do for you" hell ease Into what you want
7 hours ago, pat_kat2020 said:
I don't mean this in the negative way it sounds. But why is the little asking what the Daddy should do. Shouldn't it be Daddy's responsibility to find the answer for himself and his little? Sounds very lazy and if he needed help he should be asking. This sounds so wrong.

That is why I always say that young littles need to first be with experienced Doms.

14 hours ago, TheBigGentleman said:

That is why I always say that young littles need to first be with experienced Doms.

That's archaic thinking from the pre-interwebs days. There's so much information available now that there's nothing to stop people coming to the community to learn and grow together these days.

He has to give you small demands first and ease you into it especially in public like things he wants to see you in, and what types of behavior he wants to see etc.
I would look at an *** activity. Zoo, aquarium, llama walking and I'd be in my element lol maybe a trampoline park? I was there this evening haha
You can never go wrong with going to a mall or something and just walking around spending quality time together and then go to build a bear or something and get something special and always finish with ice cream or some type of treat
Daddy always loves how excited and bouncy I get in sweet shops 🤭
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