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Hi Guys, I’ve came across an article regarding alternative lifestyles. I found a post talking about AO=Analonly lifestyles. Is it really a thing? Are there women who do anal only?
I mean , I’m a fan of occasional anal sex, but never got luck to convince any of my past partners. I’m just curious if anyone has ever had female who preferred anal over vagina?
It’s not something you can “convince” about, it’s personal preference. Yes, there are women who are into it, some to extreme degrees. Humans are diverse and literally anything can be fetishized by one’s mind, especially such an obvious thing as anal sex
That would be nice. I think those girls are called Transgender
I've had a partner who would cum multiple times basically and then demand to have her ass pounded and it would send her into orgasmic convulsions. I probably finished in her ass about 90% of the times we had sex.
My brother was station overseas, Greece and other areas, and Europeans, please tell me if he was pulling my leg, but he said in some countries over there the women only do anal and save pussy for marriage. I don't know if he was telling the truth or just trying to get me over there.

there are ladies I know enjoy anal - but I don't know if more or less than others.  However it's very much something with-a-partner than specifically looking for guys for anal

I am aware of someone who is very popular on another site who *is* anal only (or, claims to be....) but this was a long time building up as part of a relationship with a partner - she claimed to prefer this but the vibe was some of this down to her partners preference

this said, of course, this got her very popular - and, ahem, if she actually has/prefers vaginal sex - no one is going to know any the difference

I think with curiosities, don't let what someone says online dictate. 

AO has long been known to have excellent contraceptive advantages. For most of human history, and before, being pregnant had life threatening risks. So AO could literally save womens' lives.
6 hours ago, doubletrouble129 said:
My brother was station overseas, Greece and other areas, and Europeans, please tell me if he was pulling my leg, but he said in some countries over there the women only do anal and save pussy for marriage. I don't know if he was telling the truth or just trying to get me over there.

Pulling your leg I suspect, whilst it may be true for *some* women (and a very small percentage at that) I've never heard of it as a generalised thing.
As for the OP whilst again there may be *some* women with that as a preference, it's a very individual thing - *some* women won't do anal at all, *some* will do it occasionally, *some* enjoy it, *some* do it to please their partners.
As someone else said though, it's not a case of "convincing" a partner, more they want to do it for themselves.

5 hours ago, Sabian said:
AO has long been known to have excellent contraceptive advantages. For most of human history, and before, being pregnant had life threatening risks. So AO could literally save womens' lives.

Unless you consider STI's for which infection rate is actually higher

I prefer anal, that is not saying that i only want anal. I would say 65 - 75% of the time i would rather anal.
Thank you. Now I have a little brother with some explaining to do 🤦🏾‍♂️
9 hours ago, doubletrouble129 said:

Thank you. Now I have a little brother with some explaining to do 🤦🏾‍♂️

I have younger siblings. This is often the case, for many things.

I do question if individuals should be discussing, referring to or making assumptions about other’s preferences in regards to this this topic. Is this with or without their consent? It’s irrelevant at to whether it’s in the public domain or not! You may have an awareness or address “their” claims. Is it your right to even touch upon them? Maybe just address your own claims and experiences and let others speak for themselves…it’s the safest option.
23 hours ago, Topher1974 said:

That would be nice. I think those girls are called Transgender

What women.  The women  who only want  anal. I know females who were born female  who prefer anal.


Just because  a woman is trans does not mean they like anal 


My last sub enjoyed more anal than vaginal sex.
As for anal only, I had a sub who’s boyfriend only f**k her in the a** because he didn’t want her to be pregnant.

  • 3 weeks later...
Or he didn't want to admit that he was actually a gay man LOL
1 hour ago, deptford962 said:
Or he didn't want to admit that he was actually a gay man LOL

What a weird comment

  • 1 month later...
May 20, lechoholic said:
I've had a partner who would cum multiple times basically and then demand to have her ass pounded and it would send her into orgasmic convulsions. I probably finished in her ass about 90% of the times we had sex.

I had an ex girlfriend who preferred anal. It was probably a 50/50 mix but she almost always wanted finished this same way.

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