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Dick Pics!


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Posted (edited)

Woke up to not one, but 2 separate dick pics this morning. Really not needed at the best of times let alone when I’m eating my breakfast!

Guys if you’re so insecure & childish that you feel it’s ok to send pictures of your little ones to ladies on here because no one wants to see it in real life, then you need to have a word with yourself. 

Some ladies might like it but some of us find it disrespectful, this is a fetish site not a contact magazine.

I swear I’m going to stop pressing that ‘ignore’ button & just going to start screen shotting them & putting them on the main board. 

Morning rant over 🌞

Edited by BigPolly
Posted (edited)

Brilliant love this Polly 😂 and yes I think we should all do this and save every photo we get and post them somewhere where we can all make fun and laugh at them. I use to get loads of dick pics but since being with Sir I have put a filter on my messages but some still creep through every now and again 😂 Guys have to realise that they wouldn't just walk up to someone they have never met before and get their dick out so why do they think it's ok here 🙄🔫does my head in. 

Edited by Lilmonster
Brilliant... Well said Bigpolly!
2 hours ago, Lilmonster said:

Brilliant love this Polly 😂 and yes I think we should all do this and save every photo we get and post them somewhere where we can all make fun and laugh at them. I use to get loads of dick pics but since being with Sir I have put a filter on my messages but some still creep through every now and again 😂 Guys have to realise that they wouldn't just walk up to someone they have never met before and get their dick out so why do they think it's ok here 🙄🔫does my head in. 

I love to see a nice cock as much as the next person but if some twat truly believes sending me a message saying ‘I wanna play with you’ & a dick pic is going to make me want them anymore than a Jehovah Witness knocking on my door is going to make me join they’re band of merry men then they really are deluded.

it just makes them even more unattractive. 

35 minutes ago, BigPolly said:

I love to see a nice cock as much as the next person but if some twat truly believes sending me a message saying ‘I wanna play with you’ & a dick pic is going to make me want them anymore than a Jehovah Witness knocking on my door is going to make me join they’re band of merry men then they really are deluded.

it just makes them even more unattractive. 

I agree there Hun 110% it's just not sexy and attractive at all. 


I really dont understand the mentality of the dick pick. Is it supposed to make women swoon at the sight of their wondrous love tool?? I cant speak for other women but for me it just makes me roll my eyes and tut then press the block button

Totally agree @BigPPolly. I think we should name & shame offenders. To send dick pics is not consensual! Grow up guys!!

I have one but don’t feel the need to share pictures of it, as it does not really promote the parts of my personality that are most desireable

But we do t swnd dick pics because we are insecure..... we do it to cut the all the bullshit out babes. Men dont sit down and read long ass profiles about whi you are.... We are visual creatures..... we wanna see tits and arse and get straight down to it. Its advertising what you are instore for. Just like women that have bodypics... tits and arse pics and fanny pics. Men love that. This is a sex site..... if you want to make friends then join facebook hun. No disrespect

surely if anyone (man or woman or anywhere in-between/round the edges) wants to see your dick they will ask.  

or at least offer and give them the chance to decline. 

I know people who have very much enjoyed seeing a picture of my dick, but that doesnt mean they want to wake up to it unexpectedly.

3 hours ago, MissTillysue said:

I really dont understand the mentality of the dick pick. Is it supposed to make women swoon at the sight of their wondrous love tool?? I cant speak for other women but for me it just makes me roll my eyes and tut then press the block button

That’s exactly what I did this morning, Twice 🙄 it just makes them look like desperate immature turds 

3 hours ago, Jinx said:

Totally agree @BigPPolly. I think we should name & shame offenders. To send dick pics is not consensual! Grow up guys!!

We should have a Dick Pic gallery 😂

3 hours ago, Carnelian2 said:

I have one but don’t feel the need to share pictures of it, as it does not really promote the parts of my personality that are most desireable

I love penis’s (or is it Peni?) & I’ll happily look at them, adore them & even receive pics from people I know but having a stranger send you one is just unnecessary  

1 hour ago, Grammaton said:

But we do t swnd dick pics because we are insecure..... we do it to cut the all the bullshit out babes. Men dont sit down and read long ass profiles about whi you are.... We are visual creatures..... we wanna see tits and arse and get straight down to it. Its advertising what you are instore for. Just like women that have bodypics... tits and arse pics and fanny pics. Men love that. This is a sex site..... if you want to make friends then join facebook hun. No disrespect

This isn’t a sex site at all it’s a fetish site & obviously the understanding of Fetishism is far beyond you.

sending dick pics is just a sign of pure desperation.

9 minutes ago, ropes_r_fun said:

I know people who have very much enjoyed seeing a picture of my dick, but that doesnt mean they want to wake up to it unexpectedly.

Or at least let them finish their cornflakes first lol 


I work on the theory that even if someone has enjoyed seeing my dick  i will still make sure they have the chance to decline  more pictures of it.


plus how many different ways can one photograph their dick?

34 minutes ago, ropes_r_fun said:

I work on the theory that even if someone has enjoyed seeing my dick  i will still make sure they have the chance to decline  more pictures of it.


plus how many different ways can one photograph their dick?

Good response, and when you have seen one, who've seen them all right? There is no real differentiation in dick picks :-)

1 hour ago, BigPolly said:

Or at least let them finish their cornflakes first lol 

imagine the scene........    finishes cornflakes ;) and wonders what to do next.... ahh yes view some dick pics !  ;)   What more could 'anyone' desire.

3 hours ago, Grammaton said:

But we do t swnd dick pics because we are insecure..... we do it to cut the all the bullshit out babes. Men dont sit down and read long ass profiles about whi you are.... We are visual creatures..... we wanna see tits and arse and get straight down to it. Its advertising what you are instore for. Just like women that have bodypics... tits and arse pics and fanny pics. Men love that. This is a sex site..... if you want to make friends then join facebook hun. No disrespect

Fucking hell.... It's dick heads like you that give fetish a bad name!! People like you will NEVER be respected as part of this community. Just another twat trying to *** a fetish site! CONSENT IS EVERYTHING!!!

3 hours ago, ropes_r_fun said:

plus how many different ways can one photograph their dick?

Jeez don’t give people ideas 😂

2 hours ago, callipygian said:

imagine the scene........    finishes cornflakes ;) and wonders what to do next.... ahh yes view some dick pics !  ;)   What more could 'anyone' desire.

Just a usual Friday for me then 😂


Well its a good job not every women thinks like you isnt it?

Just relax..... If you dont like dick pics then thats your opinion. If we wanna put up dick pics we will, end of. Stop begging for attention, plenty women wake up with 50 dick pics and love it so what's your problem. Women always have to find something to moan about
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