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Dick Pics!


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there is so much wrong with that comment im not even sure where to start.


21 minutes ago, Grammaton said:

Just relax..... If you dont like dick pics then thats your opinion. If we wanna put up dick pics we will, end of. Stop begging for attention, plenty women wake up with 50 dick pics and love it so what's your problem. Women always have to find something to moan about

You're showing yourself to bigger dick than anything you might be able to send in a pic!!

Grow up, learn some respect and manners! 


sending dick pics is sexual harassment. there are new laws going through parliament regarding digital flashing and I hope they pass.  

12 hours ago, Grammaton said:

Just relax..... If you dont like dick pics then thats your opinion. If we wanna put up dick pics we will, end of. Stop begging for attention, plenty women wake up with 50 dick pics and love it so what's your problem. Women always have to find something to moan about

You realise what you're doing is sexual harassment right? You have NO right to randomly expose yourself to anyone. Have you noticed how you're on your own here? Keep being deluded. You should be ashamed of yourself. No kink grants the permission to do ANYTHING without consent of the other person. You're just a step down from a rapist. Scumbag


@Grammaton advadvertising what's in store?!? Advertising that your not actually a guy with a personality your just a giant tool?!? Being a guy means understanding how we effect others being a TOOL means you only care about yourself.....anyone can be a TOOL being a man actually takes effort and respect!! This is a Fetish Site as its very clearly stated as that and reflected in the context content.....I'm transgender and I'm very visual But I find unwanted dick pics retarded & repulsive suitable for a gay mans market place Or for swingers But not generally)


Women are beautiful creatures ive never heard of a woman here begging for attention.....Someone should fill your inbox with dick pics and then you can just RELAX being bombarded with trash you didn't ask for.....Women actually DISCUSS ISSUES....cause they have Social-skills some guys have that skill too some peeps just impose there own views whether asked for Or not cause there just TOOLS of the state Lol

On 6/28/2019 at 1:53 PM, Grammaton said:

But we do t swnd dick pics because we are insecure..... we do it to cut the all the bullshit out babes. Men dont sit down and read long ass profiles about whi you are.... We are visual creatures..... we wanna see tits and arse and get straight down to it. Its advertising what you are instore for. Just like women that have bodypics... tits and arse pics and fanny pics. Men love that. This is a sex site..... if you want to make friends then join facebook hun. No disrespect

You really should read profiles. Sending out your dick pic does save time thoough coz those of us not looking for a dildo can just block you. I like pegging but still not gonna enjoy seeing someones ass hole and think phwoar i wanna bang that.

On 6/28/2019 at 10:51 PM, eyemblacksheep said:

sending dick pics is sexual harassment. there are new laws going through parliament regarding digital flashing and I hope they pass.  


Hopefully they actually do bring some law out to stop people flashing at us online.


if you want to put photos of your dick on your page, then people can look if they choose, no need to send them until asked,


There's a few reasons why men send dick pics - and pretty much none of them are favourable towards the guy.   Some send as part of a numbers game (because there are some women who may find it good to receive them - so to find out which ones, they send to everyone) some do it because they think it's complimentary/flirting (so, they're clueless), some do it for a reaction, or to distress.

Some apparently do it for self esteem reasons, which to me makes little sense - haha little... or maybe they want the SPH comments.  But yeah, if you REALLY want a cock shot, put it on your profile so people can see it if they want.   I don't think the people who'd be unhappy receiving an unsolicited pic would be as unhappy if they were browsing someone's pics and one was there

Mind. I'm a terrible person sometimes - because of some of my other/fetish work I run accounts on sites like xHamster and until I blocked messages I was getting a lot of dick pics.... so I'd respond with pictures containing quite graphic surgery to the penis... "what the fuck is wrong with you?" some would ask, "Well you started it...."

20 hours ago, TransSwitchUk said:

@Grammaton advadvertising what's in store?!? Advertising that your not actually a guy with a personality your just a giant tool?!? Being a guy means understanding how we effect others being a TOOL means you only care about yourself.....anyone can be a TOOL being a man actually takes effort and respect!! This is a Fetish Site as its very clearly stated as that and reflected in the context content.....I'm transgender and I'm very visual But I find unwanted dick pics retarded & repulsive suitable for a gay mans market place Or for swingers But not generally)

I absolutely love everything about this reply 😊♥️

59 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

Some apparently do it for self esteem reasons, which to me makes little sense - haha little... or maybe they want the SPH comments.  But yeah, if you REALLY want a cock shot, put it on your profile so people can see it if they want.   I don't think the people who'd be unhappy receiving an unsolicited pic would be as unhappy if they were browsing someone's pics and one was there

That’s it, I have nothing against dick pics in general but only when I’m expecting them, or like you say on a profile. I really don’t want to open my messages & someones unrequested wang is unexpectedly in my face at 7am that’s just not appealing at all 😂


1 hour ago, eyemblacksheep said:

Mind. I'm a terrible person sometimes - because of some of my other/fetish work I run accounts on sites like xHamster and until I blocked messages I was getting a lot of dick pics.... so I'd respond with pictures containing quite graphic surgery to the penis... "what the fuck is wrong with you?" some would ask, "Well you started it...."


1 hour ago, eyemblacksheep said:


Mind. I'm a terrible person sometimes - because of some of my other/fetish work I run accounts on sites like xHamster and until I blocked messages I was getting a lot of dick pics.... so I'd respond with pictures containing quite graphic surgery to the penis... "what the fuck is wrong with you?" some would ask, "Well you started it...."

This is priceless! I'm so going to use that tactic! 😂 😂 

On 6/28/2019 at 9:49 PM, Grammaton said:

Just relax..... If you dont like dick pics then thats your opinion. If we wanna put up dick pics we will, end of. Stop begging for attention, plenty women wake up with 50 dick pics and love it so what's your problem. Women always have to find something to moan about

It sounds more like your trying to get attention or something. 

Actually woman don’t moan about things If you know the word “respect” not just for woman but to yourself as well. 

What makes you think that sending your private stuff is the impressive way to go out and appeal to women? . 😂 

To you it’s “straight to it” though have you thought that’s very inconsiderate to others who just wanna come here and learn, experience and find friends especially people who have just joined this community , instead they are being spammed by your high handed manner. 



This thread is killing me.. 😂 

As the receiver of numerous dick pics I can honestly say, your not impressing anyone guys. Sure they may be the odd woman out there that thinks she would like to get to know the owner of said Dick but that's probably a very small minority. 

Most woman have more self respect than to see a Dick and want to jump on it regardless of what the owner is like. 

Here's an idea... Try just saying Hello. You might find it works far better in the long run. 


3 minutes ago, TheMagiciansSub said:

This thread is killing me.. 😂 

As the receiver of numerous dick pics I can honestly say, your not impressing anyone guys. Sure they may be the odd woman out there that thinks she would like to get to know the owner of said Dick but that's probably a very small minority. 

Most woman have more self respect than to see a Dick and want to jump on it regardless of what the owner is like. 

Here's an idea... Try just saying Hello. You might find it works far better in the long run. 


But that would take conversational skills. Maybe this is where the issue lies if the extent of your ability to communicate succinctly lies in sending photos of genitalia

Just now, Carnelian2 said:

But that would take conversational skills. Maybe this is where the issue lies if the extent of your ability to communicate succinctly lies in sending photos of genitalia


On 6/30/2019 at 12:41 AM, 3SumQueen said:


Hopefully they actually do bring some law out to stop people flashing at us online.


On 6/28/2019 at 10:51 PM, eyemblacksheep said:

sending dick pics is sexual harassment. there are new laws going through parliament regarding digital flashing and I hope they pass.  

I don't think its a reason to get some laws involved into this. Last things we want its government having an eye on our private life. This is a site for adults, if someone misbehave just reported to the admin and they deal with him, not need to get more laws into it. Some profiles got parts exposed too, and you can see them when they post comments. 


maybe suggest the site tech guys to write a program who filter dick pics in messages, simpler solution.


Dick recognition software !!!!   That'll be the iPhone 11 then!!!


I think we should have an option in the filter that enables a picture block so that unknown people cant send us pics, it would be very useful 

7 hours ago, callipygian said:

Dick recognition software !!!!   That'll be the iPhone 11 then!!!

Depends the size some might just need an iPhone 3 🤣🤣

51 minutes ago, Sid636 said:

I think we should have an option in the filter that enables a picture block so that unknown people cant send us pics, it would be very useful 

Just what I said earlier on🤔 it’s ok never mind 😂

35 minutes ago, FabSeverus said:

Just what I said earlier on🤔 it’s ok never mind 😂

I meant any pics, like feet or balls too besides dick 😅


BTW if you were to "dick flash" out in a public place its an offence where you can be arrested espically if someone makes a complaint Or a minor is around when it happens.....You can also end up in court and get fined for public flashing so how come its okay online?!?

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