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Is this a queer friendly site?


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Just a little curious of this is a het only app?

Haven't noticed any queer threads and have exclusively had interest from cis men when I'm listed as queer on my profile?

If I'm on the wrong app, I'm happy to move on 😅

Or maybe have an error in my profile 😬
It’s definitely queer friendly, but you will have to wade through cis men who don’t read profiles to find what your looking for.
I think you will find that this is an all inclusive site. Some profiles tend to be too eager and do not bother reading profiles.
I think you may have to apply different filters. The women are harder to find.
No there's plenty of folk for you here. Think sadly a lot of people will spam people to try to find someone who will change for them
I think it’s quite an LGBTQ+ friendly place, but I’m just speaking from my own perspective obviously.. but I feel it must be quite frustrating being messaged by people who you aren’t attracted to when it says your preferences quite clearly on your profile!
It's queer friendly, unfortunately many people don't bother to look at a whole profile before trying to message. You can use the message filter feature to prevent guys from sending messages to you
Men typically don’t scroll down overall. They like you based on photos and unfortunately most don’t read it all.
That’s simply lazy ignorance

Don’t take that as a slight because of your sexual orientation
There are plenty of queer people here but the filters don't do a great job of filtering out everyone who messages you. You may be able to find the things you're looking for here, but if not your best bet is probably Feeld. Good luck! 💜
Cishet men will message you by the truckload regardless of what you write on your profile. This app is a bit similar to Grindr, in that anyone can message you at any given time.
I am a queer woman, and quite often meet queer people in my feed. I think in your case, filters are most likely the problem. As for the interest from the cis men - basically they are the most on such platforms, and they generally behave more actively than other minorities. Have what we have đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž
I think you can set up filters so only women can message you.
Your profile says woman unfortunately some people just don't read but stick with it
It always seemed a queer friendly app from what I have seen
Found it, go to My Account then Settings, then Message Filters. You can set who you want to receive messages from.
Definitely inclusive here. But cis men have ridiculous egos and insist upon testing the waters to see if you’ll “make an exception for them”

Not gonna sugar coat it. 


Your profile states you are gay, on the description bit at the side, but there is no bio or anything to read that is immediate when entering your profile

Maybe try filling this in. 


Also. As for the men. 

You are a woman, so sadly that means **** anything to do with reading, doesn't matter if you're gay or not. They do not read. 

Thats me speaking about the men who haven't bothered to read what is actually on your profile, tried anyway, or persisted if any once you've said not into men. 


In general women don't read a lot either. Quite sad.

But it is queer friendly and you are most welcome here, as is anyone. Hope things improve for you. 

Also you can set your message filter, in settings, to prevent men messaging you xx

It's queer friendly, just other gay /bi women are hard to find, and a lot of men either don't read your profile to see or choose to ignore it. There's a filter you can use to stop them messaging, but no way to hide your profile from tuem, or stop them from sending crushes and gifts on here. Got annoyed once and told a man im clearly gay and to go away because he was one of many at that point. He was one of the respectful ones luckily, cause as soon as i said that he apologised and admitted he hasn't read my profile and didn't knkw how to take back a crush once he'd seen that im gay. However some unfortunately have quite a r*pey attitude and see this as a challenge to get with us đŸ€ą

I think it's not Queer *unfriendly* but there's a lot not considered or adapted to be optimum friendly.

you can use filters to limit who can contact you if it helps

I hope so. Because I don't want to be part of a dating app where all are not welcome.
Like someone else said it’s not queer “unfriendly” but the men on here can definitely be annoying. A lot of the women on here that are queer are typically looking for a third though so that’s a tad bit unfortunate. If you keep the block button handy I think you’ll be fine. Also try to make friends with other queer people you find on here!
I would imagine the amount of women seeking women you'd find on an app or site like this would generally be pretty small anyways, wouldn't it? I mean, with all the belligerent, inconsiderate alpha males that always seem to be digitally farting all over dating/hookup platforms, it's gotta be hard for any women who aren't interested in men to avoid those guys. They seem to confuse confidence with low intelligence. Probably because of the "ence". Also, I think they just respond to any boner inducing pictures cause I don't think they can read.
Good luck tho
I’m having the same issue lol. Clearly looking fir a woman but I only get cis men who think they can change my mind 😂
I think there is a lot of room for improvement and i say that as non-queer person. I often land on profiles that clearly arent looking for cishet men trough matching/spanks for example. Which seems a bit like meh they aren't looking for someone like me and i will leave them alone but i am well aware other men would just go about it in very much the opposite way. Besides it will leave anogher useless profile visit in their list.
I'm in the same boat sweetie I've also tried other sites and they're all the same. It seems like for every 1 female out there looking for another female there is 100's of males trying to get in there. It doesn't seem to matter to them what you say they think they can change your mind
Oh gosh, the replies have all been so kind and accepting. Thank you everyone for your advice and for everything that checked if there was an error on my profile đŸ„°

I will look at playing with the filters as suggested and I also wanted to say i wasn't trying to attack cis het men, I just thought maybe I had things wrong!!

Again thank you, you are all really lovely!
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