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Weather Pleasure


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* A former submissive penned this for me as an assignment and my edits. Posting with permission and sole ownership

Remember when weather was weather
Whether here or there
You had no ***
Oh how clever the weather has become
Now it's the whole 10 ins, no longer a thumb
There's stretching and pulling
Spontaneous fun
Gags, ropes, and motorboats
Shooting sperm in a throat
Oh boy, how the weather has changed this year
Once a tornado tied me to a chair
A hurricane slapped me for using his name in vain
It felt so good, I asked for some rain
This new weather really has me open
My LS is now a smoking
I'm standing in a corner just for joking
I'm looking for a blizzard around high noon
The coldest it gives makes me swoon
Tomorrow's weather is my favorite of the week
Them rain storms make me weak
I'll tell you one thing for certain, two for sure
My new weather is never a bore
An earthquake was here just last week
My weather is so unique
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