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Getting old


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Having read all the article's, comments including mine, weve all come up with some facts and choices, overall, age is just a number regardless of if your 20 something to 70 years old. Its the same process for everyone. You may have to spread your wings further and travel orr get yourself out in the market at meetings, events, munches. Add your personal touch and thoughts to comments. Its surprising how many views you get or visitors that you can communicate withif your comments ring true with them., Regardless of age, if you have an interest that matches theres or they like the look of you, they will come to you. If not you approach them politely Whilst being courteous as you would if you were out for a night in the bar or any meeting establishment and introduce yourself. The world is your Oyster dont let age get in the way. I have friends of similar age enjoying the best times of their lives regardless of their ages or their partners being younger, approaching them. Its all sbout how you sell yourself, come across to them As it would in the real world, just be genuine and not aggressive, , read their profiles first thoroughly to see if you both have sn inter w wanT to chatest to discuss, not just look and click or spank because her photo looks stunning. Make yourself stand out from all the others. Not Just saying hi in a message, put something interesting to grab their attention that you saw on their profile, shows youve taken time to read about them.
Apologies for the spelling errors FEt site going into stall mode again, gliches.
5 hours ago, gemini_man said:

I compete with no-one apart from myself - I also don't see women as some kind of prize to be won. I also have absolute choice over my interactions and conduct, as much as any women have. Yes, women may have a far greater quantity of interest, but when you narrow that down to quality the balance is far more even.
Whilst yes finding those with a specific kink is limiting, especially if your search radius is low, you basically have the choice to either widen your search radius or compromise on the specific kink.
Even if they were relevant your numbers are plucked from thin air and very wide of the mark - on most sites like this the balance is usually around between 10 and 15 men to every woman, but by the time you remove the men that just don't "get" sites like this that ratio narrows right down.
But again it's a quality vs quantity thing.

Goes back to the “can’t choose who you’re attracted to vs preference” dilemma. The same applies to kinks/fetishes as well. You’re talking about compromise, which is essential in all relationships(teachers, bosses, lovers, etc) but some don’t have the option to compromise, like not choosing who you are attracted to. Age DEFINITELY plays a huge part in that younger women don’t have to compromise at all, younger men do. Older women have to compromise A LOT, older men, not so much.

3 hours ago, devilsdreams said:

Goes back to the “can’t choose who you’re attracted to vs preference” dilemma. The same applies to kinks/fetishes as well. You’re talking about compromise, which is essential in all relationships(teachers, bosses, lovers, etc) but some don’t have the option to compromise, like not choosing who you are attracted to. Age DEFINITELY plays a huge part in that younger women don’t have to compromise at all, younger men do. Older women have to compromise A LOT, older men, not so much.

One small part of my post talked about compromise and even then it was to illustrate the choices we *all* have when it comes to our kinks, not a suggestion it was the only option.
Either way of course everyone may have the dilemma whether to compromise or not, and to greater or lesser degrees, but they're not dictated necessarily by age - there are various factors that come into it - but even so, it's perfectly possible, though not guaranteed, to find what we want regardless of age by widening our net etc


tbh - I'm not entirely sure what leftfield comments about compromising and the (widely debunked) "ratio" have to do with a simple question of whether someone is too old to get into the lifestyle.

The answer is a very simple - nope.

In the UK we have a very well known Pro Domme who is in her 70s - and she started not long ago, so she was over 60 when she started.

There are people I know who are couples who decided to explore together who, again, left it late - y'know, waited for their children to become adults (and move out, or be in the house less often) so 40s and 50s

I know men who've come out of long term relationships, some through being widowed, and started exploring 50s, 60s, 70s.

Granted - it can be difficult for those with oddly specific fetishes (the person I know who struggles the most with this is a young female - she's often had to face otherwise good relationships where she can't fulfil, or has to compromise on, her own fetish - which leaves her very sexually frustrated - since it is an actual fetish and not just a "ooh, this is a nice kink") but this post and topic isn't about oddly specific fetishes.

The biggest barriers as such are not age - but in how much you want to invest (physically, emotionally - and - yes - financially) into a lifestyle you wish to pursue.   

But also - a positive attitude breeds positive results. 

I'm 51. I stay busy and am exploring the things that work for me.
Your never too old to enjoy the pleasures that life brings

Never too late, i knew someone who was retired age before they ventured out in to the kink social scene.  At one stage decades ago people started under 35 munches as the majority of people attending established munch events, were lets say in their mature years like myself thesedays lol

Not at all just a Porsche and go looking for these type of women on Hollywood Boulevard
Kink is like a fine wine, takes a while to mature, become full bodied and tastes better as time goes by.

Tee hee 🤣 Pot … kettle etc ⛈

I'm wondering how difficult it will be for a 46 year old to start this lifestyle lol
2 hours ago, medford653 said:

I'm wondering how difficult it will be for a 46 year old to start this lifestyle lol

not at all.  all the above is applicable. 

Posted (edited)

I always prefer older slaves rather then people my age. They tend to be more obedient, polite, humble. Why the young ones are quickly disrespectful. Of course not all, luckily I met some really nice young slave minded guys too.

Edited by miss_maya
I ‘returned’ to the scene in my 50s. An earlier period long before the internet had been unsuccessful. I had no expectations of being welcomed in; there’s more than enough grumpy slapheads in any area of human activity. Having no demands to make or belief I deserved anything much I found myself accepted and welcomed by some marvellous people; mainly of my own age but plenty both younger and older. I’ve had triumphs and abject failures aplenty since but coming to the scene late?….do it in your 70s if you feel the call inside you because it will always be worth it.
August 15, lenexa226 said:
I’m the same age. It has been hard as hell for me to break in. I will be talking to someone and they just stop talking. I do not understand why that is.

Regarding the sudden conversational stops (aka: what may feel like the dreaded ghosting…) think of it like this. While it feels awful, online chats, if you were to add up the actual time spent in active back and forth, might typically add up to a casual 20 minute chat (if it were to have been fluid). Go back and read the thread out loud , slowly, and time it. It’s surprising! Yes, the time invested during IS actually longer because we’re texting back and forth, waiting for a reply, excited by anticipation etc but the real time isn’t that much. We’re also typically sharing more personal details because over text, and certainly when on something like Fet, we are less inhibited than at Starbucks! So when people just stop conversing - it is similar to getting distracted after a casual conversation that doesn’t pick up again. We just tend to assign more meaning to it because of the anticipation and personalization factor. Does that help at all? It’s nothing YOU’RE doing wrong and it’s not about your age. As a society, I think we’ve just become weird in what we consider acceptable communication patterns.

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