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Wetting stories


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So i'd like to create this topic to share experiences about wetting wether it was an accident or on purpose or if it was due to a medical reason. I'd really appreciate if i could get some replies over time thank you all.


I know im relatively new to this site and i made this topic while not being popular at all but to appeal to you all ill share my stories first then.


Reading Accident

So one day i was reading on my bed and i had my bladder pretty full. As i was laying on my stomach which just did't help the urge i decided i need to make it to the bathroom. As soon as i made a move to get up my bladder gave up and wet myself quite badly. Yet i still made to get the last drops in the toilet.



Computer assembly accident

Another story of mine is that one day as i got my computer back from repair. I went to assemble the different wires/cables in my pc i was laying on my stomach again. So as i did it i felt the urge hitting me pretty hard. I tried to quickly finish the assembly to make it in time to the bathroom. Again as i went to move myself up my bladder gave out and i went in my pants.



Wetting for the gf

Not long ago in the recent months i had an on purpose wetting. Me and my gf are into pee related stuff so i decided to make a surprise for her. So i went to the bathroom with my phone. Got my clothes off till my boxers. i grabbed my phone climbed into the bathtub and layed down. I put my phone on videorecording pointed it on my crotch and started to wet myself. It didnt take long cause i pretty much had to go before anyway. Got it done sent the stuff to her and everyone was happy. 


Arcade accident

Me and a few buds of mine once went in an arcade. Before we went in it we decided to have some lunch first so we had some fast food. I made the mistake of choosing a large coke to drink wihch later brought my demise. So we went in the arcade had some fun time there and as time went by my bladder filed up pretty badly. As i was playing a driving game there a sudden urge hit me in the middle of the game. I tried to hold it by shaking my legs and kinda squirm in the seat but my bladder gave up on me in public and had wet my jeans. 



Bedwetting accident

So one night i drank before bed a bit much. Also i kinda had to use the toilet but i thought maybe i could manage till the morning so i went to bed. Later in the night i had a dream in which i started a conversation with a nice girl. As the conversation went by i noticed she had to use the bathroom so i escorted her to a place where she could relieve her bladder. So we went into a building in its bathroom section so she went in the womens bathroom i realized i had to go myself as well so i did. I went in the mens bathroom pulled out my junk in front of the urinal and started to pee. Needless to say i woke up wet due to the dream being vivid and me feeling the warmth as i went in the dream.


After arcade wetting

That happened after we finished in the arcade. We got on the train and went home. After i got off the train and walked home the urge hit me again pretty hard.I was almost on the street where i live when i thought fuck it. i let loose in my pants and fully went in it. So as i stood there the pee focefully flooded my pants. Went home like that fully wet as i got home immediately got the clothes off and went for a shower.


Wetting with the gf

One day we decided we will do a little something together yet alone. Since we are both into pee stuff we decided to go to the bathroom simultaniously but with underwear still on. So we went on call and sat on the toilet both at the same time at each of our own toilets. We kinda let it go together maybe i had a slight delay due to maybe being a bit nervous since i kinda did it on purpose for the first time for her. After we both finished we sent eachother a picture evidence of our wet underwear. She got a pair of decently wet boxers while i got a pair of also decently wet panties.


 Drunken wetting

Lately i've been invited to a company gathering. There we cooked a beef stew and drank plenty of beer. So i indulged myself into those beers also of course. After about the 9th or 10th beer my kidneys were working extra hard so my bladder filled the more quicker and the more often. As once i was heading to the bathroom due to the above since i wasnt thirsty anymore as you can imagine my bladder kinda gave out on the way and i went in my pants a bit.


 Gaming accident

So one day years ago as i played some videogames i felt the sudden urge of needing to pee. As i was mid game i didnt wanna even pause saying i can hold it. After several minutes my bladder was so full it was acheing enough. I tried to hold on by shaking my leg first than squeezing my thighs together as i tried to hold it. That didnt ease my *** nor my urge so i started to squirm in my chair and fidget quite a lot. Some time passed by like that but the urge didnt go away in fact it became so sudden i lost it and wet myeself. My rug and underwear got soaked pretty badly.


Bored cosplay wetting

Thinking back a few years ago i dont really remember speciffically when one day i was kinda bored at home alone. Since im kinda a motorsports fan i decided randomly to play as a racing driver. So i put on my winter overalls pretending it was my racing suit and the hood part of another clothing item i had separately as the helmet. As i cosplayed once i felt the urge to go so i decided since the racing drivers cant jump out the cars either that im just letting it go. With a sigh of relief i let the stream go in my underwear and overalls.


 Driven home accident

Few years ago when i was younger there was a time when we worked at a house that was ours. I worked with my aunt and my uncle. So as we worked we drank water quite a lot since it was warm weather and we did phisical activity. Anyway we were done with the work and started to go back home. I kinda needed to pee but i thought i could hold it till home so i didnt go there. As we started to go by car i was kinda fidgeting and holding myself down there. My uncle sensing that purposely drove slowly to punish me i guess. The drive wasnt supposed to take long and it wasnt that long even tho the slow speed. But we were nearly home i was so desperate i couldnt hold it and before or as soon as i got out of the car i lost it completely soaking my pants.

  • 4 weeks later...

Almost full wetting at work

One night as i was working i drank quite a lot. It had to be somewhere around summer last year or so. Anyway as i was doing my round of checking i was already desperate enough. I was on the way to the porta potty when i saw that a truck driver wanted to get in the place so instead of going to the porta potty i rushed to open the door for him. as i ran a bit i lost control and peed my pants some but not full. After i opened the door i hurried back to the porta potty and let go of the rest thats left in me.


I've only ever wet myself in a locked room or on the toilet, I live seeing someone wet there pants it just turns me on

18 hours ago, Kiley-5509 said:

I've only ever wet myself in a locked room or on the toilet, I live seeing someone wet there pants it just turns me on

Thats fine too and in my oppinion counts as well so its all good 


 Wetting a littlebit at the store

This happened recently. After coming home from work i already kinda needed to go but not badly. So because i had to go somehere else for medical business a just got home sat down a bit than went to the medical place. Turns out what i wanted there couldnt be done this time. Anyway i went to the store nearby kinda needing to go more than usual. The stuff picking out wasnt bad i endured it but as i was about to pay for the goods the urge hit me hard enough i immediately squeezed my legs together but it didnt help and a bigger amount of pee escaped so i had to ride my bicycle home with a little bit wet pants. It may not have been visible if i was lucky but i definitely felt it.

This is something that’s recently got me really going. But in a sun/Dom dynamic being told to hold it and teased till I can’t take anymore. The warm sensation flooding me bonus when they help clean you up
28 minutes ago, kinkybitchsc said:
This is something that’s recently got me really going. But in a sun/Dom dynamic being told to hold it and teased till I can’t take anymore. The warm sensation flooding me bonus when they help clean you up

Definitely fun. Done it many times

4 hours ago, kinkybitchsc said:

This is something that’s recently got me really going. But in a sun/Dom dynamic being told to hold it and teased till I can’t take anymore. The warm sensation flooding me bonus when they help clean you up

Yeah that sounds kinda fun i did that too once as you read in one or two of my stories tho it wasnt really a sub/dom kinda stuff more like we agreed to do it but still ot was fun and tbh in case id help with the clean up 


4 hours ago, StrictMaster44 said:

Definitely fun. Done it many times

Agreed. As ypu probably read in the above stories im guilty of doing it too

Posted (edited)

 Outdoors wetting in wintertime

So once i don't know how old i was at that time i was out with faily and friends duing winter. We went somewhere outddors to skate and stuff. Some of us played ice hockey and i played as a goalie. Anyway as time went by my legs kinda started to hurt in the skates so i decided to get on my knees. Eventually this was a mistake because as time went by i started to need to go mid game. Soon after as i tried to hold it like that i got a shot on goal not too powerful tho but it still hit my knee and at that moment i lost it and wet my winter overalls. ( probably same one as the one i said in a previous story) So to cover up the accident i went to lay on the snow pretneding i fell and waited for it to melt enough so it seems like it was snow on my overalls not pee.

Edited by AdmanZ
  • 8 months later...
I met this woman online and I went and fucked her and she was riding me and she squirted all over me and I wasn't prepared for it but as soon as she did it I couldn't even control it I came immediately it was kind of fucking hot I was shocked that it made me cum so hard but it only happened once and I haven't had the experience since I've been thinking about having a woman try it to me again or just piss on my dick in my balls while we're fucking I don't know if it will work if I'm expecting it but it was pretty intense I don't know what that means that I like it or not but it was it was pretty amazing
52 minutes ago, waynetownsavage said:

I met this woman online and I went and fucked her and she was riding me and she squirted all over me and I wasn't prepared for it but as soon as she did it I couldn't even control it I came immediately it was kind of fucking hot I was shocked that it made me cum so hard but it only happened once and I haven't had the experience since I've been thinking about having a woman try it to me again or just piss on my dick in my balls while we're fucking I don't know if it will work if I'm expecting it but it was pretty intense I don't know what that means that I like it or not but it was it was pretty amazing

That’s 🥵 hot!

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