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I have 2 girls I'm talking to . Both of them are bi but only one wants to give me a three some and the other doesn't . How do I make this happen . ? I'm in el paso
Well if one doesn't then that's her choice lol you can't change her mind if she's said no 🙄
The fact you said “give me a threesome” shows that your intention going into it is pretty self-absorbed. Rather than asking how to “make” it happen you should perhaps consider asking yourself what would make someone want to have one with you.
Find a third that's comfortable with a threesome. Applying pressure or manipulating a situation to get it because 2/3 of y'all want it is not okay. All or nothing and if you're the Dom, it's your responsibility to make sure everyone's boundaries are respected.
Ya I definitely thought he was asking like the other was down but just nervous or may have concerns but if she 100% doesn't want to u u respect it
You don't make it happen, you respect the person's wishes, to not be involved & you don't try to *** someone to do something they don't want to.

No means no!
You should just take down this post, you’re asking real people in the lifestyle, who appreciate and respect it to help
You land a three way? Come on bruh…
This is one of the more pathetic questions I’ve heard on here, if the one isn’t on board then it’s a no go, and give you a threesome, sounds like you found someone you can manipulate, and I feel sad for her.
If a threesome or any sharing is to happen it should be something all would enjoy…
This makes it clear your out for yourself, and just because we are kinky in this community doesn’t mean we are close to being codefendants on your douchebaggary!
Guys like you make a mockery of the friendships and relationships trying to be built here…
What a joke
You really trying to get advice on how to get a woman to do something she doesn’t want to?
We aren’t about manipulation bruh, if she isn’t consenting then you’re out.
And the fact you say one wants to give you a threesome speaks to the selfishness and douchebaggary of the request.
You literally do NOT MAKE it happen lol I was with a guy for months trying to coerce a cuck situation and it was so uncomfortable and he would not let it go…. He’s gone now 🤣
17 minutes ago, LittyNikky said:
Ya I definitely thought he was asking like the other was down but just nervous or may have concerns but if she 100% doesn't want to u u respect it

If she 10% doesn't want to that's still not consent, a 'maybe' is not consent. A dunno is not consent.

Everyone needs to consent. Even if they say yes and then decide they don't want to go through with it then it's no longer a yes.

There's no p***y or d**k worth going to prison over.

No means no.

You could be in Narnia, but if one of them doesn’t want it- it couldn’t, shouldn’t, won’t happen. Real Doms don’t *** and manipulate someone out of their boundaries.
You don’t. If someone doesn’t want to be in a threesome, then they don’t want to be in a threesome. I don’t know why you’re even asking this question.

Ladies, if you’re the one in question talking to him, I’d suggest hitting that block button until this lad decides he gives a damn about your consent.

Dude, what in Satan’s spicy a**ehole made you think that a woman saying no is anything but… a no? Respect that, leave her alone. It’s very simple.

Sounds like you don't deserve either if your asking strangers online how to manipulate a woman for your own sexual gain
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