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Tips for talking dirty without sounding like...


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Maybe that is a good place to start, just describe what you want to do and take it from there. 


Thanks for all the helpful responses! End of the year wrap up has been busy for me but i'll get to responding to some of your suggestions soon.


I talk dirty for a living and I still am.shit at it I'm the bedroom. I can do it all day long to strangers over the phone but I'm rubbish in real life. Luckily my current partner is not so.worried as such but someone will be at some point and I'll be in trouble. Be yourself and get help.from. the person you are with to taylor it to you both. It totally depends on what you are into and doing at the time. Try to relax and have fun with it. Best advice I can give


Ty for the topic this thread is helping me a bunch 

  • 5 months later...

Being neurodivergent ace (demi) myself I get it. I like how male leads in manhwa or manga are like. For example in ones that are about getting reincarnated into a romance genre book or game. Those are my fave 😍

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