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Love's Bites ♾


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Love's Bites ♾

In the depths of passion's flame, our desires intertwine, Between our worlds of dominance and submission, divine, You, my submissive, in your plea, I find delight, To indulge in odaxelagnia's dance, our intimate night.

As you kneel before me, eyes cast downward in meek submission, Whispers of anticipation stir within our shared vision, I trace the contours of your body, soft and fair, With fingertips, I ignite the flame of pleasurable despair.

Gently, I caress your porcelain skin, so smooth, Creating patterns, awakening sensations, each movement a soothing groove, My touch, a dance of ecstasy, igniting every nerve, As I unveil desires deep, causing your soul to curve.

With dominant grace, I guide you to our sacred space, Where fantasies unfurl in this delicate embrace, The room enveloped in darkness, save for candlelight's glow, Our clandestine sanctuary where our passions shall grow.

With silk restraints, I bind your willing frame, Eager to surrender, to bear your lover's claim, ***, restrained, you anticipate what's to come, As my dominance engulfs you, rendering you numb.

Whispered promises of pleasure laced with bliss, As your soft gasps mingle with the essence of our kiss, I explore the depths of your desires, a masterful dexterity, Navigating your hidden fantasies with utmost sincerity.

Odaxelagnia, the art of *** entwined with pleasure's bloom, As I strike your flesh, echoing the desires we consume, A symphony of moans and sighs, our carnal song, As we dance in this rhapsody, where *** and pleasure belong.

With each tender welt I carve upon your skin, Your surrender fuels the fire that burns deep within, The stinging sensation defines our intimate connection, Forging an unspoken bond, the ultimate intersection.

In this sacred realm of trust and surrender, we explore, Navigating the depths of our desires, craving for more, With each consented act, our connection grows strong, As we delve into the blissful surrender that we long.

Afterwards, as your euphoric release cascades like a waterfall, I hold you close, cherishing every moment, every recall, For in our intimate odaxelagnia, lines are blurred, And a deeper understanding of our desires is stirred.

So, my submissive, as you requested this dance so intense, Know that I am here to guide, to protect, to dispense, Together we delve into the realms of pleasure's cascade, In this sensual odaxelagnia, our desires forever displayed.

🎩  O s P a n d o ™️✒ 🖋

🌻 #Odaxelagnia #Bite #LovesBites #BDSM #BDSMcollars #BDSMcurious #Dominant #Submissive #Kink #kinkfriendly #Kinks #kinkcurious #Brat #roleplay #DDLG #Kinkster #Dom #Sub #BDSMdom #BDSMsub
That was a pleasure reading. I like the way you put the words together they just flow so good all the way to the very end.
18 hours ago, Kimber469ing said:
That was a pleasure reading. I like the way you put the words together they just flow so good all the way to the very end.

Thank you 🎩

4 hours ago, Damagedplan said:

Thanks 🎩

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