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Exhibitionist Adventure


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So I have a problem where when I get too horny I just can't help myself, I'm totally addicted to the rush of doing something risky and down right stupid. I love going out and about wear my butt plug or tying a rope harness around myself and wearing my outfit over it.

But recently I did something much more risque, that I'm both ashamed and proud of. I have this fishnet bodysuit that I completely adore, I even modified it with some leather strap harnesses and garters just to give it that extra kinky look. Suffice to say I wear it any chance I get.

It's also important to know that just outside my flat is the back of my building, with an old carpark and then a wooded area beyond that. This area is pretty much ignored by everyone, there aren't even any paths going through it, it's essentially forgotten. But in my mind I seemed to fantasies about it alot, I always imagine what it would be like to be tied up in the woods or be ***d to crawl through them like some horny ***.

Well that's pretty much exactly what I did, the other night I had been teasing myself all day. I was so incredibly on edge, my imagination was running wild and I wanted to do something to really satisfy my need to be exposed. So I struggled into the bodysuit, side note it can be really hard to get into an outfit that is essentially made of holes, especially when your not thinking all too clearly.

I then went out into the night, it was cold and I was already an embarrassed mess by the time I had ran across the small carpark. I didn't even wear shoes and I can't stress enough that this outfit covered nothing. The thrill of being completely on display like that was such an incredible feeling. Even now it makes me shiver just talking about it. I loved how the leaves felt under my toes and how the air flowed over my skin. I was only out for what must have been a few minutes but it felt like forever, times seems to slow down when your doing something crazy like that.

When I rushed back into my flat I lost all control, I must have humped my pillow for like 2 hours straight just trying to chase the high.

that’s hot🥵🥵wish you had gotten caught though…😈😈
It’s such a trill. A few years ago I had a submissive with an exhibitionism kink and would get super horny out in public when I touched her thigh or tugged on her hair. It was late at night and the bus what practically empty just an old lady and a janitor in the seats, and I slid my hand in her panties to play with her clit. She jumped in suprise and I took my hand away when the lady was giving us a look when my sub flew out of her seat. When I went back in she was gushing. The thought of almost getting caught drove her into a horny coma. She never cums to clit stimulation, but after a solid minute, she was shaking and grinding against my hand. As we came to our stop. She dragged me by my hand to the bedroom with such ferocity I was kinda scared tbh. She’s still never been able to find another dominant to do this as it’s technically illegal and can lead to some awful consequences if you’re not careful. If you’re going to try something like this do it near adults, not families with children or people you think you can’t trust. 1 or 2 adults in the area is fine, but in a crowd of people it’s too risky and not worth the consequences. Another great place to do this is “kink events” are you surrounded by likeminded people who understand you. Be safe and have fun! :)
I have a mad fantasy of being gangbanged by a group of girls and ts girls and I want it done in front of a crowd of people who can take videos of it, we are kinda close to each other, I would love it if you want to see if we get along well enough to get our kink on
Looooooove this post. Would love to watch you. Message me.
Yesterday at 10:18 AM, WesternMassFemDom said:
Looooooove this post. Would love to watch you. Message me.

DM me as I can't message you

  • 2 weeks later...
Message me horny little girl, I have a couple of things for you to do. Your desire to be enslaved and taken like an *** deserves to be explored seriously.
  • 2 months later...

I used to live in a more rural place and I’d go for long walks in the woods. Once you got off the main trail you’d very rarely see anyone and the trail itself was quite soft with very few rocks and sticks and sometimes I’d slide my sandals off and hide them so that I could feel the ground on my feet. And the longer I’d go barefoot without seeing anyone the more I’d linger on a specific thought. What if I pulled my shift off and dropped it and kept walking. But I wouldn’t fae before I’d stop there and spin around listening hard, and feeling very much alone and think what if I slid my pants and underwear down just to stand there for a moment completely nude in the middle of the forest and feel the sun on my skin. And I’d feel the excitement build and slowly unbutton my shorts and pull the zipper down and slide them down to my ankles knowing I was fully exposed but that I could quickly pull them back up. Then I might take a deep breath and another look around before stepping out of them. Now completely nude with my clothes in a pile in the middle of the trail I’d think, what if I started walking naked? And one step would lead to another with my heart racing occasionally looking back to see my clothes getting smaller and farther away until I turned and could no longer see them there. And in that rush I wanted to get as far away as possible imaging that someone could easily come across my clothes and even pick them up which would strand me completely naked in the woods all alone. And then something would snap in me and I’d rush back to my clothes.

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