
Female (38) Single

Those Eyes. (fantasy fiction)

I stop dead in my tracks as I walk into the lounge and gasp with horror, wondering how the f he got in, I'd only been out a few minutes with the dog. Yet here he was, sitting still on the sofa, with THOSE eyes..He pats his lap, beckoning me to prostrate myself across it, but he has those unhinged 'You are mine & I will break you' eyes. "Come to Daddy.." he commands patting his thigh again, with a menacing glare, those eyes say 'Do it'. I take 2 steps forward towards him then find my gravity and turn my heels towards the door.
"Where the fck dyou think you're going Princess?" I hear him chide as he grabs the hair at the back of my head. He yanks my head back.
"You knew Daddy would have to punish you eventually, didn't you?" I shake my head. He grabs my cheeks squeezing them so hard. "Yes. YES, you did." I plead with him to get off me but he pins my neck to the wall and stares into my fn soul. "You are one whore c
nt - open your legs." I refuse to move. We're fn over. He slaps my face hard till I'm on my knees then kicks me face down on the floor. He grabs one arm and twists it round, leaning on it he grabs the other, I try to wriggle out of it but he swings round to sitting on my shoulders and he s my wrists together. I feel him fumbling around in his pocket, then I feel a tight plastic noose nipping into my skin. Zip tie? That's new. He turns back around, on all fours over me. He smells my neck, sighing deeply, then lowers himself, pressing his raging erection in between my cheeks. "Oh you are going to fcking get it this time little lady." he tells me through gritted teeth,just move." as he drags my head by the hair down to meet the leather sofa" Get. On. Your. Fck-ing kness you WHORE! " then pulls my bottoms and panties down. I'm bent over, bare cheeks exposed, with my wrists tightly tied behind me back. My heart beats so hard and fast.
" Don't f
ckin move." he commands. What can I do? I don't want to wind him up. I hear that dreaded noise of the buckle being undone and the belt being pulled out.
He tilts my head back and slaps my face from behind.
"What have you not to do?"
He belts me, hard. I gasp for breath as I hear him ask what I'd missed.
"Don't move. Daddy." I say, almost glad I'm not facing him because that talk makes me feel so shy to say. He crouches behind me and rubs my cheeks softly, just lightly brushing my clit as he moves his hand from cheek to cheek, caressing, sighing contentedly. It feels good, and that makes me feel guilty. "Daddy missed this little peach." I hear some rustling of close and I'm belted again, harder than before. Wow. I can't see.
"But he shouldn't have had to should he? Eh?!"
"No!" I gasp.
THWACK. "No what?, fn disrespectful little cnt"
"No Daddy. Please. Stop, what do you want? - I'll please you" I desperately want to cover my eyes, my cheeks. I feel too
"You. Please me? You're a little brat you're not capable of pleasing a man.". He belts me 5× more, making me apologize for "being a whore", with every strike. It's made my eyes water. It's a cold sensation at first with the cool leather then it heats till I feels like a hot rod's being held against it. I can hear him playing with himself. He zips himself back up.
"Come here" he tells me as he grabs my hair again and stands me up. He marches me to the kitchen, stepping out of my bottoms and thongs completely as I tread, and s me by the shoulders to sit on the stool, where I'm told once again not to move. Hes back fumbling in his pockets and my already tied wrists are then tied to the metal bars on the stool.
"Look at me."
I do, only to receive a hard slap the second I make eye contact.
"Look at me."
"No!" I shout. I get 2 hard slaps to the left cheek for that. Jeeeeze.
I can see in my peripheral vision his belt is folded under his arm. He stands behind me and takes my tits out over the top of my vest. He twists my nipples, squeezes them until I look him in the eye and beg him to stop. He kisses my lips - hard - then spins behind me. He grabs my hair a little and with the other hand slaps one of my tits. He begins running the folded belt back and forth on on my nipples between slaps. It chafes. "Let me go I'm done. We're done I don't want this!" I exclaim. From behind me he pinches my nose and rams a cock gag in my throat and buckles it so tightly every time I lean forward or back I gag uncontrollably, which he laughs at.
"Those pretty tits are about to feel what real
is like." He tells me as I let out a stifled "Noooo"
He stands to the left of the stool.
"Sit up straight. Lean back a bit" he instructs as he bends my neck back, raising my exposed tits to him. He strikes hard, again and again. Occasionally the end of the belt catches a nipple, they're the worst. I'm desperate to try to protect myself but I'm tied back and if I lean forward I'm gagging more. He's laughing, and playing with him self between strikes. Idk how long passed before he undid the ties, to the stool anyway. "Mmmmm" he says, rubbing my breasts. They're swollen from him playing with them and I can see red and purple welts all over them.
He cuts the other zip tie off after walking me back to the lounge with his hands on my waist.
"Lie on your back for Daddy"
I obey. I'm in a do as I'm told daze.
He lowers his jeans and boxers and kicks them off. He lays between my legs, stroking my face and my hair behind my ears. He roughly checks to see how wet I am. He spits on his hand and after a couple of minutes of spitting and trying to penetrate me, RAMS his cock in me, to the hilt.
"Mmmmm." he moans in contentment, there's nothing like it. That's what Daddy missed most. That warm tight little cnt."
He's f
cking me gently, speeding up and grabbing me by the neck, back to gently. Every time he squeezes my breasts my eyes water. It just makes him harder.
" What do you say? "
" Thank you Daddy." I say quietly.
" Say it. You know what I want to hear."
He picks up the belt and puts it round my throat. "Say it" he commands, tightening the belt with each thrust.
"Thank you for r*ping me Daddy."
He gives a turned on sigh, grabs the belt strap and fucks me till he explodes in me.
"Goooood Girl" he praises stroking my face. "Make sure you stay a good girl" he warns, squeezing my neck, giving me those eyes....

Those Eyes. (fantasy fiction)

Pro-Dom/me Session18 to 80 years ● 550km around UK, Glasgow

14.10.2023 - 30.11.2023