
Created by


Opening hours

Rush hour

Mostly evenings / weekends



No paid services


Industrial area, Suburbs, Near a highway, Near commerical area, Parking


Showers, Chill out area, Lounge chairs, Dungeon, class rooms, performance art stage, and social gatherings.


Theme nights / Events, Stage performers, Dungeon equipment and R.A.C.K. (Risk-aware consensual kink) an acronym used by the BDSM Community


Bar / Drink offers, Play area, Lockers, Changing room, S&M studio

Meet up here 203  

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Where creativity, education, exploration meet

Dark Haven is Atlanta's premier member-supported

Creative studio and art gallery.

Join our website to access event & membership details.

Our Mission

At Dark Haven, our mission is to provide a safer environment where creativity, education, exploration, and community belongs to all people.

Our Vision

To create an inspired and enriched community of knowledge seekers at every level of exploration of Kink and self.

Our Values

Inclusion & Equity - We endeavor to provide a truly inclusive and welcoming space for all people who wish to pursue this lifestyle. Kinksters of every age, ethnicity, physical or neurologic ability, gender, sexual orientation, financial background, level of experience, or identifying role within the lifestyle are welcome to play and explore in our space, and, what’s more, will be met with equitable solutions and empathy.

Trust & Integrity - These are the basic building blocks of any community, but are doubly important in this community. Just as our interpersonal relationships cannot thrive without basic trust and integrity, our dungeon can’t either. We endeavor to operate in an honest and transparent manner and embody these principles in all of our dealings, both inside Dark Haven and within the community as a whole.

Service - Dark Haven continuously and actively seeks ways to be of service on an individual level but also service to the community at large. We welcome opportunities to build bridges within the community and give back at every chance we’re able.

Exploration & Education - We believe that the path to self-mastery and actualization begins with exploration and education. Dark Haven puts education at the forefront of everything we do, endeavoring to teach those who seek to learn and foster a safer and more supportive play environment. We proudly offer our space to a variety of different groups who put an emphasis on educational advancement and encourage personal exploration.

Expression - We value that which makes all of us wonderfully unique. The differences in our expressions as people and as kinksters within the lifestyle should be celebrated. We encourage the personal expression of its members, acknowledging that each of them make up a piece of the beautiful mosaic that is Dark Haven.


South Atlanta below the ATL Airport

Dates for this place

Can I use? Or just watch 
Kinky Date18 to 80 years ● Dark Haven ATL in USA, Atlanta
Look for female friends
Looking to meet and hang out with single females in connecticut
NSA18 to 80 years ● Dark Haven ATL in USA, Atlanta 26.07.2024 - 28.07.2024
