Since our launch in 2017, we're becoming one of the fastest-growing Fetish & BDSM communities online, made up of kinksters from all walks of life with all kinds of kinks.  As our community grows, we introduce FETMods - our moderator program.

Who are FETMods and what do they do?

FETMods are active members of the community, experienced in the world of kink, who can communicate with all kinds of people. They play a crucial role in helping fellow kinksters to get the most out of their online community. FETMods also create a positive, safe, sane and consensual atmosphere so that everyone can play nicely :gimp:

As well as helping to run the BDSM forum and kinky chat, FETMods give guidance to newbies and act as our eyes and ears to make sure that everyone sticks to the rules.

FETMod responsibilities are grouped into the following areas:

  • Forum Moderator - The BDSM forum is where members post topics and questions for comment and discussion on all kinds of kink. The FETMod role is to approve these topics and engage with users. However, this isn’t just limited to the forum. FETMods respond to questions via private message, comments on news feed posts and gather feedback (positive or negative) from the community.
  • Chat Moderator - Our BDSM chat is a very busy place! FETMods play an important role in the chat by welcoming users and ensuring that everyone sticks by the chat rules. The chat is a great way to meet new kinksters, and usually, everyone plays nicely. However, if things get a little out of hand, all FETMods have the community and support team to rely on for extra support.
  • Meeter and Greeter -  With an extra profile feature, FETMods welcome newbies by sending automatic welcome messages that provide kinksters with a contact for help and a guide to the essentials of the site.

What are the benefits of becoming a FETMod?

  • Free VIP membership 
    All FETMods get a free VIP membership, which gives you full access to the experience.
  • Flexible hours from anywhere
    FETMods help out by being active for at least 5 hours each week. You choose when you're online, but the busiest times tend to be in the evenings and at weekends.
  • Access to free training and support
    To help you get the most out of being a FETMod, you'll receive online induction and training by a Community Manager. You'll also receive admin rights on related to the areas you’ll be working on (e.g. chat, forum, etc.)
  • Help shape your kinky community
    Being a FETMod gives you the chance to shape and improve the community experience. You'll be included in all the latest community news, newest product updates and have special access to channels to provide feedback to our developers.  
  • Be part of a #kinktastic team
    Join a collective group with other FETMods to communicate directly with Community Managers and support team.
  • The fun bit…
    All FETMods will receive free merchandise and can look forward to attending FET-organised events every year. 

Wanna be a FETMod?

If you'd like to be considered, all you need to do is send a short message to our Community Manager, Purplepie, telling us why kink is important to you and why you think you’ll make a great FETMod.  If you're based in North America, we'd especially like to hear from you:)



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